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Think Carrots

Let's think carrots. It takes around 2 ½ months, from the time of sowing to the time of harvest, for carrots to grow. And don't forget you plant and harvest carrots in different seasons. In this autumn season, what are we sowing? And what will we reap 3 months from now, from what we are sowing today? If we sow discord, hatred, lying, gossip, meanness, unkindness, a lack of self-control, dishonesty, a girl who plays with a guy’s heart, a guy who plays with a girls heart, you think you are better, or anything associated with sin WE WILL GET it back and then some.

What we sow in autumn we may get back in winter, summer, spring, or even next autumn. It may take a while but we will get it back.

Let's be cognizant of the kinds of seeds we are sowing this autumn so that we might reap a plentiful harvest of good things by what we previously planted in future seasons.

Happy Friday! xx