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The Dream Routine: How to Create a Good Daily Schedule

Since most of us have been stuck at home due to the current situation, it’s becoming increasingly harder for us to stick to a good daily routine. Having the experience of working remotely over the past few years, I’ve learned that it’s imperative to create a good daily routine.

Wake up around the same time every day. For those of you that are still working at home, choose a time that you normally get up at and start about your day as you normally would. Don’t forget to add breaks in between as working from home brings other issues to light such as random distractions. Eat lunch at the same time as you would at work. If you’re spending lunchtime with other family members, be sure not to bring your work to the table. Focus on that moment. This will help you rejuvenate quickly so that you can get back to work right away after that.

Once you get done with your work, shift your focus to other things like cooking food or talking to your family. Again, it’s important to do what you normally would during the workday so that you avoid a burnout. Working from home also gives you the opportunity to finish your work quicker. So, be sure to schedule in some time for things that you want to do like taking a drive or exercising.

Some of us can also have super hectic workdays where we barely even have time to even eat lunch. When you have a lot of tasks to complete, start the day with making a schedule or a list. Try making this list as soon as you know of the task, preferably the day before. That way, you’ll be more prepared before that actual day starts. You’ll also be able to organize your day in a better way. When writing the list down, rank the tasks by order of importance and complete everything in that order. You’ll feel less stressed out once you see everything written down. On such days, I try to complete as many tasks as I can, but of course, there are days when everything cannot be completed. I assign that task to the next day if possible and complete that before any new tasks come up.

We can still have the routine of our dreams if we follow a few simple steps. Wake up at the same time every day, schedule in time for other activities that you like, and write down your tasks when needed. Having a good daily schedule helps you achieve more things in your life, and soon you’ll realize how much more you’ve accomplished with this small change.