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New Year, Same God: Remain Teachable

In this new year, God is still the same. And while He has kept humanity going for thousands of years, and 365 days keep passing, God is still the same. There are things about his nature, the truth of His Word, His intolerance for sin, His love for all that He has created that have never changed. Last week as I pointed out that God is our Mighty Conqueror, this week it’s important for us to remember that in order for us to have a smooth year in our walk with Him, we need to remain teachable.

To be teachable is to be humble and surrendered. That in our goings and comings, we will make mistakes with God and with others. It can be our first response that when we are confronted with wrongdoing that we get defensive, that we deny, and that we refuse to listen and acknowledge where we may have fallen short. Confrontation isn’t fun but if it’s genuine and delivered in love, it is a beautiful thing.

Confrontation is an opportunity for Holy Spirit to put a mirror of ourselves in front of ourselves, through situations with others, in hopes that it will bring us into further sanctification and transformation into God’s love. As Joseph Flom stated, "You should recognize that criticism is not always a put down. If you take it to heart, maybe it will guide the way you ought to be going."

Or, being teachable means that when we’re under the authority of another- a boss, a pastor, our government leaders, our parents, can be in marital submission- whatever, that we honor them with the respect that is due their position. Allowing them within their position to teach us and guide us, even when we don’t agree.

At the end of the day being teachable is choosing to be corrected, allowing someone to call us out when appropriate, choosing to listen more, and striving to be humble. God can choose any medium or situation to hone our teachable-ness, and if we’re honest with ourselves we know when we need to be taught and corrected. Being a know-it-all isn’t good for anyone and it doesn’t get anyone far in life. Let’s strive to be teachable.

Happy Friday, God bless you and go bless someone else!