Friday Posts j

Everything You Need to Know About Mary, the Mama of Jesus

One of the most fascinating women of the ages, Mary the mother of Jesus was a humble girl from the tiny town of Nazareth. Giving birth to Jesus around the age of 13/14, she would carry a burden, a beautiful burden, but a heavy burden the rest of her life. ‘The rare moment- accounts of conversations between Jesus and His mother that we find in the Gospels are laden with love and riddled with pain.’ A relatable woman to us all, SEELE’s last Friday Post of 2019 highlights a woman whose life was forever changed when Gabriel met her with news. And her unwavering devotion to her Son’s mission is a reminder of the true reason of the season.

Everything You Need to Know About Mary, the Mama of Jesus

The Feeding of the 5,000 is More Than Just Feeding 5,000 People…

We all know the miraculous account of Jesus feeding the 5,000 but there’s some real nuggets of gold here that you may not have realized. This miracle is more than just some miraculous account in the Bible. It’s a fulfillment of Old Testament promises, it solidifies Jesus as God and Lord, and we see God’s heart for people. Read more to find out the significance of Mark's account of Jesus feeding 5,000.

The Feeding of the 5,000 is More Than Just Feeding 5,000 People…

How to Handle a Friend That Betrayed You

Friendships and what they mean should not be complicated and we see clear examples from the Bible of the closest of friendships. SEELE’s Editor, reminds us what friendships are, being aware of what a friend is and what an acquaintance is; and provides practical thoughts on how to handle a friend that betrayed you in some way.

How to Handle a Friend That Betrayed You

You’re Not Always A Victim, But Sometimes You Are The Oppressor

Seele’s Editor, reminds us that we are both Pharaoh and the Israelite. There are times in our lives when we oppress and are oppressed, and it is our Great SAVIOR, Jesus who has come to set us free from both.

You’re Not Always A Victim, But Sometimes You Are The Oppressor

Bitterness, Amargura, Bitterkeit, Amertume, горечь, 苦味, מרירות , مرارة

For our Friday post, Seele's editor shares a unique way to think about bitterness. Bitterness does more harm to you than the person who offended you. Don't become bitter but give them and the offense to God.

Bitterness, Amargura, Bitterkeit, Amertume, горечь,  苦味, מרירות , مرارة

Let’s Be Honest

Seele contributor, Rebekah Mazzei shares, “As a body of believers there needs to be a daily conviction about how we expose our truth to the people around us. Teaching is firstly exposed by our words and actions; especially for youth and young adults desperately trying to emulate others.”

Let’s Be Honest

Pure Influence and Affluence Comes from God

In this day everyone is a journalist with their blogs, and everyone seems to be an influencer with their social media accounts. Media is allowing up to stay connected and see what our counterparts around the world are doing. In this social media age, it seems as if we’re all trying to exalt ourselves. I’m not anti-social media. There are many positive aspects of it. Nor am I anti influencer or anti- affluence. God has blessed various people with influence and affluence, and has exalted certain people above others…

Pure Influence and Affluence Comes from God

The Power of a Question: Conversations With Satan – Job In the Middle

Through the power of questions, Satan seeks to get us off track by thwarting our thinking that God isn’t Who He says He is. He did this with God, over an important figure in the Bible- Job.

The Power of a Question: Conversations With Satan – Job In the Middle

E N V Y- Psalm 73

Envy is that thing that makes you wish you had what other people had, it's that discontentment with what you have. Asaph, the writer of Psalm 73 goes into a testimonial experience of how envy almost wrecked him, until he went into the presence of God to see things with a Godly lens. Envy is destructing and it's key to refocus your mind on God instead of looking at other people. Often what we see in others isn't fully what's there.

E N V Y- Psalm 73