“I love Jesus. But I also struggle with feelings of overwhelming anxiety,” says author Jennifer Tucker.
With the US presidential election exactly one month away Nicolas Conquer, a French-American living in Paris weighs in on why he believes Donald Trump is the best candidate, not only for the United States but also the world.
Clare Hutchinson is the former Secretary General’s Special Representative for Women, Peace and Security at NATO. She the founder of RedHed Consultancy, and as a Canadian she gives her perspective on why Kamala Harris should be the next President of the United States
“It can be difficult to figure out what we want to do with our lives. It can be even more difficult to figure out what God wants us to do with our lives,” writes SEELE contributor Hazzy Redgard.
Year 2024 has arrived. Many of us tend to make resolutions, promises, set goals, and proclaim this will be the year we will strongly commit to following through to the end of the year. And within a few weeks of the New Year, we give up and make excuses and forge forward without attaining our goals.
“We are living in a very fast paced era, a time where most are growing numb to the spirit of the Lord day by day,” says writer Gugulethu Mnisi. In this post she points out how discernment and prayer are the tools for having impact in this generation.
Dr. Saliha Afridi, Clinical Psychologist and Managing Director of The LightHouse Arabia shares that if your lifestyle is bigger than your budget, your spending habits can become a serious problem – one that has ended many relationships and ruined many lives. She shares some tips to manage overspending.
Gugulethu Mnisi opens up about how through trying to find peace she discovered that there is no other god but God.
Gugulethu Mnisi unpacks Naomi in the book of Ruth and how the power of a name can impact a person and situation. “In the area where death reigned, God showed Naomi that He had not changed his mind about her situation,” says Gugulethu.
The digital wealth management platform, StashAway, shares its top financial tips for starting the new year on the right foot - from identifying goals to how to diversify a portfolio.
The Bible provides wisdom and sober warnings on the subject of addiction and alcohol. Patrick Bailey shares five ways addiction is dangerous, according to Bible verses that refer to alcohol and alcoholism.
We have all faced grief of some kind with loss. Horatio Spafford faced unspeakable grief when he lost his son and soon after his four daughters. He was hit with a Job type of situation. Here’s everything you need to know about Horatio “It Is Will With My Soul” hymn and how he found strength to continue with life in the midst of losing all of his children.
Anika Berger, an Account Manager at Atteline, a Dubai based fashion, beauty, and design PR agency shares why you don’t need to follow just one path to find career success.
For the women out there, British journalist, writer and comedian Viv Groskop, challenges us with a question as a great way to get through this quarantine time, is to think: “What can I do to promote a woman who inspires me?”
Arizona writer and speaker, Ryan Romeo shares the new things God is doing in the church for post quarantine.
The very word “COVID-19” has the ability to set off thousands of different opinions and emotions on the matter. Seele Contributor, Rebekah Mazzei shares her thoughts on the Coronavirus and this time of manic.
Seele contributor, Thomasena Thomas shares that, "keeping your mind clean is a very important and necessary task. If we do not focus on what God has for us, we can lose track of our task at hand and lose focus on what needs to be done," she says.
Canadian and climate change advocate, Monica Tang says, "The climate crisis is real, and our love for God, Creation, and our neighbors compels us to act." She shares how Christians should be thinking about the climate change crises from a Biblical perspective.
This week I went to a Celebration of Life service for a dear man we have known for over twenty years. The service was beautiful; rich in God’s hope and love and gave honor to a man of unshakeable faith. As I sat listening to the eulogies spoken about this extraordinary individual, I remembered Proverbs 27:19 which reads, “As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart.”
Christian Life Coach and Speaker, Heather Ferroni shares an invitation from Jesus to get to know Him beyond the Christmas and Easter experience in 2020.
The Christmas holiday season would not be complete without the beloved Christmas carol “Silent Night.” Music teacher, Cassandra Portee gives everything you thought you knew about the carol, but didn’t.
The Christmas holiday season would not be complete without the beloved Christmas carol “Silent Night.” Music teacher, Cassandra Portee gives everything you thought you knew about the carol, but didn’t.
Each year around this time, you may find yourself getting anxious because the inevitable questions abound: “What are your New Year’s plans?” “Have you figured out how you’re getting around traffic on New Year’s Eve?” “Any resolutions?” “How are you going to ensure you stick to them?” Producer, writer, advocate and founder of Re:set, Aakanksha Tangri, shares four ways to enusre wellbeing in 2020 by staying the same old you.
Seele contributor, Thomasena Thomas shares her family Christmas traditions and that when looking at Christian traditions, it is the rules and guidelines of traditions that keeps the values of a family- or faith alive.
Seele contributor, Rebekah Mazzei points out how this is generally a time of festivities, traditions and holiday parties, but it can also be a very lonely and sad season for many. Whatever this holiday season may mean for you, it's a season of possibilities and opportunities to love. And let's not forget that Jesus is the reason for the season.
Seele contributor, Thomasena Thomas reminds us that we are to enjoy now and not always be looking for what's next. "Be present in the now and trust Christ to make the next move for you," she says.
Seele contributor, Rebekah Mazzei shares how in the midst of tiredness and challenge, we must keep running, keep climbing and keep walking step by step with God to achieve what we’re trying to achieve in life.
Seele contributor, Thomasena Thomas shares that the feelings of doubt imposter syndrome brings are a lie from the enemy, and with the right mindset it’s possible to overcome.
Seele Contributor, Rebekah Mazzei offers a prayer for the weary. For those going through all kinds of challenges and seasons, she covers you in prayer so that you might overcome and have strength.
Seele contributor, Thomasena Thomas reminds that the best way to not get off course when running this race is to look to Christ. It’s in the midst of bumpy roads that all God wants us to do is to incline our ears to His voice, she shares.
Seele Contributor, Rebekah Mazzei reminds us that we have the same access to God, like King David did. It is God who we can run to in times of trials and challenge.
Seele contributor, Thomasena Thomas asks exhorts us to live out the Gospel by responding to the Lord when He beckons us to do something.
Seele contributor, Rebekah Mazzei asks, “How many times do we find ourselves at battle with the physical evidence (unseen) vs. spiritual evidence (unseen)?” Her contributing post encourages us to increase our physical stamina.
Seele contributor, Ben Mack reminds us of the thesis of the book of James, “James doesn’t sugarcoat things, or skip around the subject," says Ben. "Words must be backed up by actions. What good is it if you say you’re going to do something, then don’t even try to do it? At best, people will see you as unreliable.”
Seele contributor, Thomasena Thomas shares: " We all like comfort and safety. These things are good to have but when the desire for safety and security becomes the dominant theme for our lives, then trouble arises. God wants you to see beyond comfort such as King David did. There is something of eternal significance for you to contend against."
Seele contributor, Thomasena Thomas has traveled to Africa and South America to do missions, and reminds on the importance of being the hands and feet of Jesus on the earth.
Seele contributor, Rebekah Mazzei reminds us that “God will do exceedingly and abundantly more than we could ever ask, and it’s through Psalms 50:15 that He is indeed asking us to test Him.”
Seele contributor, Ben Mack fasted for the Muslim holiday of Ramadan- “I should probably begin by saying I’m not a Muslim. But, like many Muslims around the world, I’ve been fasting this past month for Ramadan. Long story much shorter, the experience has deepened my faith in ways I could not have imagined – as well as deepened my empathy for fellow humans.”
Seele contributor, Rebekah Mazzei shares how music is the most intimate form of communication that God can share. She reminds us that one weapon against the enemy are vocal chords, and it’s not so much the singing, but rather the sound of warfare that pierces the heavens.
Seele contributor, Ben Mack recalls a past trip to Japan and parallels changing Japanese emperors to the beautiful equality of heaven.
During this Holy Week, Seele Contributor, Rebekah Mazzei reminds on the importance of spiritual stamina.
“There are plenty of examples in the Bible of people fasting for the sake of Christ,” says Seele Contributor, Thomasena Thomas, “or for Christ to reveal things to them. In this Lenten season, I decided to change my fasting tradition up a bit, and focus on making my body a temple.”
Seele Contributor, writes a letter to God, for you on a reminder to surrender to God, to trust life’s test, and to rest in HIM.
Seele contributor, Thomasena Thomas writes about love and the importance of us to remember to love ourselves.
From Brexit blunders to Trump tweets, it is no secret that our society at large finds itself in a time of uncertainty and insecurity. But with the added dimension of social media and the ongoing pressure to perform faced by young people today, the anxiety epidemic amongst the younger demographics is at an all-time high. Take a simple scroll through social media and you’ll see countless young people ‘living their best lives’. And yet, behind the #nofilter ‘authenticity’ of their news feeds, Anxiety UK suggests as many as one in six young people will experience an anxiety condition at some point in their lives.
“The revelations of love when you are in this glorious cloud is intoxicating,” writes Seele Magazine contributor Rebekah Mazzei. Valentine’s Day has just passed and Rebekah reminds readers to cultivate a day with just YOU + GOD, and that when we come back to our first love, we will in tune with the LOVER of our souls.
Adam Durnham shares how he has struggled with alcoholism and how finding his faith again helped him to break the addiction.
Seele contributor, Ben Mack reminds us on the importance of acting in Spirit and not ignoring God's calling. Looking at the example of Jonah, who ignored God's command to go to Nineveh and instead went to Tarshish because he thought that was the right thing to do- we see that obeying God is important for a smooth life. And getting swallowed by a whale was no fun for Jonah either.
Seele contributor, Ben Mack shares that amongst the challenge of find himself in Gabon recently, he experienced God through Christian hospitality.
Seele contributor, Rebekah Mazzei, shares a whisper that came into her Spirit this week, in her quiet time with God and she shares it: “I’ve done my best, now it is time for God to do the rest.”
Seele contributor, Ben Mack talks about how political party partisanship should not be what divides us, but rather I shared idenity in Jesus should unite us.
Seele contributor, Thomasena Thomas points out the importance of how relationships are an important part of life. She says, 'relationships were designed by God and happen for a reason.'
Seele contributor, Rebekah Mazzei points out the importance of solitude, and how it is the most important spiritual discipline that we need to be doing.
Seele contributor, Ben Mack writes about a recent trip to Bangladesh and how we are to not ignore poverty and social inequality.
Seele Contributor, Thomasena Thomas reminds us of the Apostle Paul’s words, that t to live a life holy acceptable to Christ, we must deny ourselves DAILY and pick up our crosses each and every day. Even despite our mistakes, God still loves us, Thomasena points out. But, it’s in the picking up of our crosses and repenting that God does His greatest work.
Seele contributor, @rebekahmazzei points out how we live in a world that measures accolades, status, wealth, homes, cars, vacations, social media following, fashion and so much more. We want to be heard, we want to be seen, we want to be praised, we want to be recognized, we want to be loved. What do we want? What do we really long for? The answer could be connectivity because in a world that is so fast paced, we often find ourselves surrounded by people, yet we still go home feeling isolated. The answer could be comfort though we have family, friends, and comforts of wealth, yet we still go home feeling incomplete. She proposes the answer is Identity.
Seele contributor, Ben Mack points out the ideas of “taking charge,” or of “fighting the good fight” for truth, justice and equality, which are celebrated things in any culture, anywhere – and has been since time immemorial. Ben says, " we should always try and do what is right."
Seele contributor, Rebekah Mazzei says that faithfulness with God requires forging onward. With King David as her example, Rebekah gives practical life applications on how to stay faithful to God, despite our own human flaws and failures.
Seele contributor, Ben Mack opens up about a time when lost all his money to a scam one cold snowy night in Germany, and how God came through for him.
Seele contributor, Thomasena Thomas reminds us that confidence is seen as self, but Godfience is given through Christ. It is something we can’t form ourselves but it only comes from what we have in Christ.
Seele contributor, Rebekah Mazzei unfolds the significance of “forging ahead.” In order to be successful in battle you must always move forward by running, by pushing and never looking back- she states. In FORGING full steam ahead, we can rest assured that the Lord our God is with us!
Seele contributor, Ben Mack points out the scary realization that not everyone you sit next to in church will make it to Heaven. Ben points out that it doesn’t matter if a person is a president, famous, or even incredibly smart, strong or good-looking – anyone can get in. “Greatness” doesn’t matter at all. God looks at the heart and life a person.
Seele contributor, Thomasena Thomas unwraps the word “godspeed” and how its used to describe God moving in a person's life. It describes the way God is working in and through people’s lives with opportunities, blessings and situations.
Seele contributor, Ben Mack says that “Patience is a virtue,” is true. It’s not easy, of course. But what better reason for being patient is there than knowing that God has great things planned for us?
We live in a society where we all want things to happen now. Social media and societal influences affect our lives even if we don't know it. Seele contributor, Thomasena Thomas, says we pray and pray for the desires of our hearts and when it doesn't happen in the timing we want it to, we tend to lose hope. God makes us wait for a reason and he allows opportunities and blessings to happen in his timing.
Seele contributor, Rebekah Mazzei sheds light on the importance God being our compass and guide in any and all decisions that we make.
We all have traditions of some kind. Some of us make a point of seeing family every year for Christmas. Some of us prefer to eat certain foods on certain days, because that’s what we grew up with. Seele contributor, Ben Mack explains the traditions that lead us back to God.
Seele contributor, Thomasena Thomas sheds light on how easy and simple prayer is, through a simple technique to follow.
Seele Contributor, Rebekah Mazzei shares the importance of waiting on prayer in her life, specifically in growing up with an illness that she no longer has.
Your twenties and thirties can be quite a whirlwind. So much in your life is changing, and rapidly and it’s easy for your financial health to take a backseat to other more immediate or exciting decisions. Financial advisor, entrepreneur, speaker, author and mother, Emily G. Stroud gives insight on how to think about saving in your 20s and 30s.
Seele contributor, Ben Mack points out the importance of talking to God, for what we do when we're alone reveals who we truly are. In order to have a relationship with someone, we have to communicate regularly- the same goes with God. He wants to hear from us everyday, and several times a day.
Have you ever had to make a decision about a situation where you knew either the final outcome would be successful or a failure? You weighed the pros and cons of your decision, but you knew if no one stepped up to the plate in doing what needed to be done, you would be the one to carry out the plan. But, in your heart you knew if the plan failed, you would have to live with the consequences, and knew you did your best. Seele Contributor, Cassandra Portee introduces a woman from long ago who did just this, Jehosheba.
Seele Contributor, Thomasena Thomas shares 3 tips for overcoming temptation. When our minds become idle temptation becomes stronger. The choice is to address the festering and find the root cause of it to eliminate it, or allow it to keep festering in your mind. But the latter doesn’t work....
For the month of March, Seele contributor Rebekah Mazzei, shares a robust post on what it means to be a real Christian.
Seele contributing writer, Ben Mack shares some thoughts from 1 Corinthians, and how it's unwise to boast about sin.
Former American NFL wife, Photographer, and soon-to-be new mom, Matti Gresham opens up about sacrificing her career path to help her husband with is career.
Seele contributor, Thomasena Thomas opens up about her journey from being passive about her faith to making time for God, opening up the Bible and having morning devotionals.
For another Christmas, music teacher, Cassandra Smith Portee has opened up the life of composer and songwriter, Irving Berlin, a Russian immigrant who lived in the US and who contributed to the world a Christmas timepiece.
Seele contributor, Rebekah Mazzei sheds light on the fact that not conforming to this world, but being an inhabitant of it, we have an advantage to break the mold of what is normal thinking and to truly act set apart from the rest.
Kimberlie Kessler is a mom, nurse, caretaker, business owner and blogger, she is a shameless Jesus follower and java junkie. She unpacks how we can often believe the lies of the enemy and accept them as truth.
Medical assistant from Berlin, Carolin Lingenberg offers a poignant reminder of the importance of shifting from self to caring about the needs of others.
Rebecca Lee is a photographer based in New England. She parallels photography and the legacy photos leave, with how we as people we leave legacies.
Seele Contributor Ben Mack, writes on how reading the Bible with patience, allowing the words to slowly set in will allow you to hear God in a clearer way.
Danna Brown shares how grit is an essential trait that each person needs to develop early in his or her life. We need Grit if we want to change the world, transform society, make our dreams a reality...
Rebekah Mazzei, lives in British Columbia and works in the corporate world. She recently went on a mission trip to Zambia, to work with Village of Hope, a Canadian charitable organization bringing hope to children in need throughout Africa. She shares her experience here.
Elementary school music teacher, Cassandra Portee unpacks the life and challenges of George Frideric Handel, famed German composer who dealt with being in constant debt, but who was able to compose some of the world's most memorable pieces- 42 operas, 29 oratorios, more than 120 cantatas, duets, and trios..
Seele Magazine interviewed Javier Colorado Soriano in March 2016 when as he was on his three year bicicyle journey around the world. Now, he is in South America in the Amazon crossing the Amazon in a conoe.
Danna Brown gives insight into whatever is going on in the world, evil is not winning.
During the Easter break, journalist Ben Mack visited Tonga.
Simone Smith has a passion for spiritual progress and peace, and is clumsily but successfully breaking through the noise and nonsense of this world to promote and engage in the things that really matter. Simone isn't ashamed of her past and mistakes, which include an addiction to pornography. Here she unpacks her struggle with porn in hopes that it might help someone else who may be battling with it.
In line with Seele's series, How's Your Soul?, guest writer Yarra Wellney sheds light on how our romantic relationships affects our race in life, as well as our relationship with God.
Katherine & Jay Wolf are survivors and storytellers, advocates and evangelists. In 2008, at the age of 26, Katherine nearly died from a catastrophic brainstem stroke. Her survival and recovery, not to mention that of her marriage and family, have been nothing short of miraculous. Katherine and Jay are in full-time ministry together through HOPE HEALS, leveraging their story to encourage those with broken bodies, broken brains, and broken hearts.
Elementary school music teacher, Cassandra Portee unpacks the struggles of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, famed Russian composer who dealt with depression and life's struggles, but who was able to compose some of the world's most memorable pieces of music including the Nutcracker suite.
Macey Ho spent most of her 20's in the music and advertisement business in London before deciding to take a leap into the world of Social Work. She is now finishing her last year of her Masters after spending 6 weeks in South Africa working and learning about the social needs of her people. Macey is from the U.K.
Sarah Elliott opens up about trusting God in marrying her husband, who is from another country than she's from- something she never thought of or imagined. An American by birth, Sarah details her decision to marry a Brit.
La Hall is a Canadian living in the United States. She offers a short but enriching thoughts on the changes of the season, and how change is a good thing.
Communications professional, Katie McKenzie has worked with various international organizations and has traveled the world. In her career, she works to connect those in need around the world to those who have the capacity to meet those needs. Katie sheds light on the importance of focusing on a person's attributes, their "humanness" rather than their outward appearance. And that we humans are more similar than different.
Elizabeth is a nutrition, digestive health and fitness enthusiast who enjoys supporting and promoting the message of health. She is passionate about holistic health and her ability to empower, inspire and motivate others to live a healthier vibrant life is inimitable. Now that it is the autumn season, Elizabeth unpacks how we should care for our bodies and the types of foods we should put in it.
Blogger, Laura Saxby profiles one of the most famous names in fashion, Gabrielle Chanel, a style icon who paved the way for designers throughout time and is known as the greatest fashion designer who ever lived.
Kate Petrova is a Russian world traveler, photographer, global citizen, and businesswoman.
Music educator, Cassandra S. Portee unpacks German composer Ludwig Van Beethoven, a music genius and revolutionary. She explains why Beethoven was a revolutionary and gives 5 responses of things that can be taken away from his life and apply it to our lives today.
Serena Alexander opens up about growing up with a bipolar father, in an unbalanced home, where she she has learned to trust God in the confusion of her upbringing.
For Seele's Mother's Day contribution, Cassandra S. Portee highlights 7 lessons she learned from her mother.
Blogger, Laura Saxby weighs in how blogging empowers women- "Blogging has been a way for individuals to express their thoughts and opinions for some years now. Both men and women get on their computer and tippy tap away sharing thoughts, feelings, positive messages, disgust and interests through the likes of public online article writing."
Music teacher Cassandra Portee unpacks the history behind the famed holiday song, and reminds us what the real reason behind the season.