The Least of These

It’s amazing how quickly God can transform the heart when we are in a place of absolute surrender.  This is where I found myself last year. Unforeseen circumstances brought me to a place of brokenness, a grief so deep that I found myself lost for words in my cry out to God. Thankfully God is full of grace, and He has a supernatural way to turn beauty for ashes.  Isaiah 61:3 has become my promise as I walk in new purpose.  

In May 2016 I found myself desperate for answers, direction, and a fresh revelation. My cup was dry. I had given everything emotionally, physically and spiritually to others, and I had nothing. I found myself in a place of absolute humility where I was forced to “be still and know that I am God”. In this place I found healing, I found redemption, and a peace that surpasses all understanding. In the season of stillness I also found the deepest revelations I had ever experienced in my Christian walk.  One of which was Africa.

Africa was not on my radar until God strategically positioned people of influence from 2015 to 2017. I learned about the culture, the people and immediately fell in love. The passion then turned into something greater. I can recall many sleepless nights’ journaling dreams and conversations I had with God. It’s safe to say that the passion turned into a heavy burden.

Fast forward 1 year later, on May 10, 2017 a team of 17 individuals from Langley, British Columbia, Canada traveled as ambassadors with Christian Life Assembly on a short term mission. I was one of the blessed. The team traveled for two days to reach our destination: Zambia, Africa. 

As a church our mandate is to support local and international missions. Our vision is to reach beyond the walls of our church and make an impact on our world in practical and spiritual ways. One of our key partners is the Village of Hope Africa (VOH).  

The Village of Hope is a Canadian charitable organization bringing hope to children in need throughout Africa. They are currently located in six countries and value a holistic approach to child welfare through: education, nutrition, healthcare and shelter.

My experience was remarkable and far exceeded my own expectations. I was witness to an organization that facilitates remarkable care for orphans and vulnerable children in both residential and non-residential care. They provide resources such as feeding programs, clothing for widows and single mothers, spiritual guidance, counselling and training for life skills. The VOH is raising-up the next generation as equipped leaders and world changes for the beautiful country of Zambia and leaving a legacy of Hope.

Joy is undoubtedly contagious with the staff, housemothers and children at the VOH.  How can people with so little find joy in a dark and troubled world? The response: Jesus.  In North America we believe in God but in Africa they depend on God. The difference is the level of hunger and perception.  

Our primary focus on the missions’ trip was to deliver the Boxes of Love Zambia. Once a year, the congregation of Christian Life Assembly and participating churches fill shoeboxes with various items (school supplies, toys, soap, clothes, etc.) for the children in the Villages of Hope located in Kitwe, Chongwe, Mongu and other regions across Zambia.  The boxes are also distributed to street children, AIDS orphans, and needy families in the rural areas.

The mission through the Boxes of Love is to bring lasting hope to orphans and vulnerable children by providing them with love and care so they can embrace adulthood as contributing members of society with the same principles in mind. The vision is that all children are love and cared for.

What’s interesting about this trip is that we distributed boxes at two locations. In Chongwe 500 children received a box and in Kitwe 1,015. The most impactful moment was to hear the children roaring with shouts of thanksgiving to God for the gift they received. The heart of a child humbles me. It’s a constant reminder that we must always have childlike faith. A faith that is genuine and sincere. 

My personal investment on this mission’s trip was the opportunity to speak to young girls between the ages of 14 and 16. We called this an Encounter Session whereby I spoke to the girls like a big sister. I wanted to break the perception of perfection and speak to them on a level that offered sound Christian guidance, love, comfort and honest life experiences. My topic was: “To Know the Purpose and Identify you have in Christ”.

It seems like such an easy concept, but it truly is something that is lost on all cultures, generations, and age demographics. Social norms have infiltrated our minds to believe that we must look and act a certain way in order to achieve success. But the principle of this session was to help the girls understand their unique identifier that is woven by God the Father. Questions like, who am I, where am I going, what are my gifts, were targets to allow for open dialogue.

Our uniqueness is meant to set us apart for the specific purpose and calling God has ordained on our lives. I taught the young women that once we understand who we are in Christ, we can then understand the mantle/ spiritual gifts through the ushering of the Holy Spirit. Only when we have this revelation will we be able to stand against comparison, rejection, or even settling in friendship and relationships. Our very identify affects the function in how we operate in society. To stand firm and know that you are a daughter of God, purposed and commissioned with a task equipped only for you, is a calling that needs to be guarded.

Matthew 25:40 reads “Truly, I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me”. To speak life to those once deemed the least of these is my testimony. To operate in the function that I know best, to equip and encourage, and then release these beautiful women to go forth and spread this life lesson to future generations, is a legacy that will continue to sew and harvest.  When you know your function in Christ, God will do the rest supernaturally.  

My beautiful Africa, you taught me so many life lessons. I’m grateful and I’ll be home again soon!

Rebekah Mazzei holds a Bachelor Degree with honours in Pastoral Christian Studies from Christ for the Nations Bible College, along with certifications in Child and Family Studies. She currently holds a position in the corporate world where she reviews, audits, and administrates proposals and contracts for the electrical energy sector with private and public corporations in North America. Rebekah has been a mentor to teenage and young adult girls and is an active volunteer at her church and in her community. With her public service and business experience, Rebekah brings a multi-faceted perspective to breaking social norms and walking in the identity and purpose set by Christ.

Rebekah is passionate about bringing awareness and education to the next generation about walking in purpose and understanding the function of the Holy Spirit. Rebekah believes that by all doing our small part and using our unique gifts and strengths, we can equip history makers for the next generation.

Rebekah Mazzei

Rebekah Mazzei is passionate about bringing awareness and education to the next generation about walking in purpose and understanding the function of the Holy Spirit. With her public service and business experience, Rebekah brings a multi-faceted perspective to breaking social norms and walking in the identity and purpose set by Christ. Rebekah believes that by all doing our small part and using our unique gifts and strengths, we can equip history makers for the next generation.


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