All That Flair: Adding A Feminine Look to a Masculine Outfit

Wearing an outfit that looks masculine like a suit or a blazer with a shirt and jeans doesn’t mean that it should look boring especially if you’re a woman. Here’s how to add a feminine look to a masculine outfit.

You might have to wear a suit for a meeting, but there are ways to make it look more stylish. For one, you can wear a printed shirt with a neutral color blazer and pants. Such a look can add a pop of color and make your dull outfit look stylish right away.

 But what about when it comes to wearing a blazer with a shirt and jeans? So now we would have to consider making the blazer the key outfit piece. The blazer should be made of lace or have some other cool flair to it like fancy buttons or what not. When I was doing my book cover photoshoot a few years ago, I had to think about what look would suit me while at the same time keeping my look polished without overpowering the overall cover look. I chose a lace and leather blazer with a shirt lined with pearls around the cuffs and collar along with plain blue jeans, some nice shoes, and a few other accessories. I kept the makeup & hair look subtle as I wanted to look as natural as possible. So, if you are going for a more casual look, do keep your hair and makeup to a minimum otherwise you may come across as too dressed up and that’s also not a good thing either. Plus, why waste your time with your hair and makeup if it’s not necessary in the first place? Don’t forget that most of us are still wearing masks outside if we’re going to public places, so consider that your makeup will be hidden as well or might get wiped off while wearing your mask.

When it comes to shoes, there’s so many options that can work, but loafers seem to be the most classic option of the lot. If you’re going for loafers instead of heels, look for some interesting-colored loafers or shoes that have a bit of print or a nice logo on them. This instantly brightens up an outfit any day.

Following these tips can make your outfit have extra panache or flair. Flair adds confidence and confidence is true power.

Shefali Karani

Shefali is the author of Own It! Love What You Already Have of which all book proceeds go toward good causes. She is an executive at her family’s business, and board director for two other companies. She’s an alumna of Columbia Business School in New York City and Drexel University. She lives in Dubai with her husband and continues to travel for work. To learn more, visit

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