Being Successful: The Truth Behind This

Success is not always clear-cut and it’s not the same for everyone. Success can happen in different ways. The truth behind this is that when you achieve major goals for yourself, stay humble, and feel grateful, that you can truly call yourself successful.

Having major goals might sound very unachievable but believe it or not, it starts with not comparing your goals to other people’s goals. You might think that to be successful you have to be like your friend who has a similar job or something but that’s not true! In fact, there’re so many times that I’ve seen others feel that they’re less successful than the other person when that other person feels like they themselves are not successful at all (and yes, it’s the ironic truth). So, there’s never any point in you trying to compare yourself or set goals based on how successful someone else is. You should set goals for yourself that are achievable like finishing your degree. When you achieve the goals that you set out for yourself, you become successful.

What’s success without staying humble? You might think that being successful means having attitude but that’s not true! It surely makes people seem more arrogant and less successful. I’ve noticed how some people display so much attitude but achieve nothing in life (they just like to show that they’re successful but they’re not). These types of people are the least successful type of people as they’re constantly trying to please others by showing how much better they are and what not. That’s a total waste of time. In fact, don’t even bother talking to such people, especially in the corporate world. Being humble shows that you’re successful. As it is, you don’t need to prove anything to anyone.

Of course, you cannot be successful without feeling grateful. Ever heard that some people just complain about everything, no matter how much they have achieved? That’s just being negative. If you’re constantly focused on whatever you’re lacking in life, you’ll never see how truly successful you are. Success happens when you feel grateful because once you feel that way, you’ll be more open to opportunities that may come your way like making new friends.

Always remember that success is different for everyone. You can only be successful once you achieve your goals, by staying humble, and by feeling grateful.

Shefali Karani

Shefali is the author of Own It! Love What You Already Have of which all book proceeds go toward good causes. She is an executive at her family’s business, and board director for two other companies. She’s an alumna of Columbia Business School in New York City and Drexel University. She lives in Dubai with her husband and continues to travel for work. To learn more, visit

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