Getting Back Into The Swing of Things, Just Like Hannah

The story of Hannah in 1 Samuel 1 and 2, is one that speaks of many a profound truth. We learn the importance of not giving up on the desires we so strongly feel drawn to, while also learning how some of these desires are in fact given to us by God, to fulfill His purposes. However, today I would like to focus on one particular lesson that I recently learned from Hannah’s story.

You see, the story starts with us being introduced to a sad and discouraged woman. Her name is Hannah, meaning favor or grace, and yet there was absolutely nothing about her state that made her feel favored. Yes, she was her husband’s favorite, so she received more of his attention, yet she still carried a heaviness that many of us can relate to. She was sad. She was discontent. She wanted more, felt more, needed more, to the point of disqualifying herself and in the process losing herself. Hannah’s depression caused her to lose her appetite, and to some extent give up. Year after year, Hannah felt heavier and grew to be more discontent. She cried more and lost interest in living. Basically, Hannah allowed what she believed was a void in her life, to take over her whole life. She stopped living. What she believed she lacked, now became her whole identity.

I want to pause here and ask how many of us relate to Hannah in this instance? It may not be to this extent, but I believe that for some, you have reached a point in your waiting where there are areas in your life that have lost some kind of spark. Like Hannah, maybe you’ve stopped eating or you’ve stopped living. This may look like, certain things that once brought you joy now do the opposite, or it may look like a constant struggle to receive the word of God, since your heart has slowly been hardened by deferred hope, endless disappointments, and constant emotional and mental torment.

I want to take time to firstly, virtually hug you and tell you that it is okay. There is no shame in feeling or growing tired. There is no shame in unknowingly allowing the desire to overcome and overtake you. However, I would also like to mention, that it is never too late to get back up again, refocus your energy, and start living again. We learn this very lesson from Hannah herself.

Hannah had gotten to what seemed like the end of her story. She found herself crying to the Lord, in utter distress asking for relief- asking for the desires of her heart to be met. She had spent so much of her time directing her energy to this one desire. Then one day, when her heart was the heaviest, she found herself at the feet of God, I believe making the last cry for help. In that very moment, she approached the Lord in all boldness and honesty. She was desperate for relief. In fact, I sense that Hannah had arrived at the point where she craved peace over conception. In that very moment the priest found her, interrupted her, and after a brief conversation, said to Hannah, 'your request will be granted' and just like that, things were never the same again.

The Word says, Hannah got up, and started eating again, her face was no longer sad. Hannah started living again! 

So many of us find ourselves in situations very similar to Hannah, where we’ve stopped living and all we really need is an encouraging word. All we really need is for someone to couple their faith with ours and believe with us. We need a safe space that is free of judgement, where there are no Peninnah’s to ridicule us, or Elkanah’s to question our motives. We are tired of the shame that our communities, peers, and friendship groups have associated with our desires, and in the very same vein, we desperately require relief from the torment of what looks like lack.

You see, Hannah teaches us a very important lesson, this is the lesson of boldness. Hannah never shied away from boldly wearing her feelings on her sleeve, she carried the boldness to be honest in the presence of the Lord, but also the boldness to LEAVE her worries, wants, and needs at the feet of God. She totally left them and totally believed with all hope that this time God would grant her request. Keep in mind, the priest who found her, had no idea of what Hannah desired, he just simply coupled his faith with hers, encouraged her, and sent her way. He did not pray for her, or tell her to go home and fast, he simply sent her away with reassuring words and that was enough for Hannah to shake off the heaviness and start living again. That was enough for Hannah to get up and get back into the swing of things.

My prayer is that if it was enough for Hannah, may it be enough for you. So, here I am as a sister in Christ, I am here to join my faith with you and reassure you that your desires will be granted. I am here to remind you that He is a faithful God, and what you ask of Him, in His Sons name, He will give to you (read John 15:7).

Earlier this month, the Lord led me to give advice to a sister in Christ, and I believe that those of us who are reading this, are in need of these words as well:

I sense the Lord urging you to be intentional about shaking off the heaviness and disappointment of what could have been and get intentional about enjoying life again. It is hard but it was in Hannah remembering the faithfulness of God, that gave her the strength to shake off the bitterness and start enjoying life and focusing on herself again. Remember, He is a faithful God!

Hannah intentionally shook it off and got back into the swing of things!

It is time for you to allow your knowledge of Gods faithful character to take precedence in your life. It is time to invite the spark back and live again. Live out loud! Eat again! Believe again! May your face no longer be sad, and may your countenance change, because as it changes, space is created for the manifestation. As it changes, your heart becomes fertile ground for the fulfillment of your miracle.

Get back into the swing of things- just like Hannah.

Oboitshepo Tladi

Oboitshepo Tladi resides in Cape Town, South Africa. She is strongly passionate about youth, more specifically she is passionate about seeing young women being transformed by the power and grace of Jesus Christ. She believes that through the Word and intimacy with Christ, young women can take up their rightful positions in the Kingdom of God. She holds a Master’s degree in Linguistics, is a qualified English teacher and is an aspiring author and artist.


Book: When Strivings Cease


Getting Back Into the Swing Of Things: Letting Go Of Offense