How Will You Finish 2024?

Photo Credit: Bahaa A. Shawqi

KB Chakela reminds us as 2024 is in the homestretch of coming to an end, that our focus should always be on God


A few weeks ago, I opened my Bible app, and one of the welcoming messages caught my attention. It simply asked, “How will you finish 2024?” That question struck me deeply. Here we are, already in September, and it feels like just yesterday we were setting our goals, envisioning all the accomplishments we hoped to achieve in 2024. Now, with the year quickly winding down, the question lingers: How will you finish 2024?

In South Africa, September ushers in spring. The warm weather brings a sense of renewal, sweet aromas and fresh beginnings. It’s the season of blooming flowers, longer days, and brighter skies. But it’s also a sobering reminder that the year is coming to a close. The final stretch is upon us, and now is the time to reflect on the goals we set for ourselves. Have we made the progress we wished-for? Are we on track, or what are the roadblocks we encountered along the way?

If you’re anything like me, you may be feeling a bit frustrated. I’m the type of person who loves checklists and setting clear milestones. I thrive on progress, and I approach each year with a sense of purpose, praying and seeking guidance from the Lord about what I should accomplish in that particular year. But, like many, I’ve found myself looking at my list of goals for 2024 and wondering, what happened?

Maybe you’ve been asking similar questions. Perhaps you set out with big dreams and felt God leading you in certain directions, but as you evaluate your progress, it feels like there’s still so much left undone. You might be thinking, Why have I still not achieved what I thought I would by now? Where is the breakthrough I’ve been praying for?

I want to encourage you in this moment. The frustration you may be feeling is not unusual. Life doesn’t always move according to our timelines, and sometimes it’s easy to feel like you’re behind. But here’s the beautiful truth: God is not bound by time the way we are.

The Bible reminds us that God can do "exceedingly, abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us" (Ephesians 3:20) NKJV. While we may feel like time is slipping away, we serve a God who can change everything in an instant. The timeline of your life doesn’t have to fit neatly into a calendar year for God to move mightily.

One of the biggest obstacles to our faith is time. When the days turn into weeks, and the weeks into months, it can be easy to lose hope. We get caught up in measuring our success by earthly standards, by how much we’ve accomplished in a given period. 

So, what do we do as the year begins to close, and we’re still waiting on those big breakthroughs? I believe the answer is to keep our eyes fixed on God. We need to trust that He is in control, even when things seem delayed or uncertain. As the Bible says, “Let us not grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9) NIV.

There’s a suddenly coming for you. That’s what I’m holding onto as I reflect on the past few months and as I prepare for the final stretch of the year. There’s a moment coming when everything will shift, and God will bring the increase you’ve been praying for. It may not happen on your timetable, but it will happen in God’s perfect timing.

So, how will you finish 2024? My hope for you—and for myself—is that we finish strong. Not necessarily because we’ve checked off every item on our to-do lists, but because we’ve remained faithful. We’ve kept our focus on God. Let’s end this year with hearts full of faith, trusting that God’s plans are still in motion, and that He will do exceedingly more than we could ever imagine.