Spiritual Stamina

I grew up singing very traditional Hymns, many of which churches today do not know or simply will not sing because it’s too old fashion. I would have thought the same at one time, but as of late I have rediscovered the beauty in these Hymns. During my prayer and worship time it is some of the classic songs that draw me deeper in worship.  


The song “O, The Blood of Jesus” is particularly precious; and how coincidental to have this song alive in my Spirit this Easter weekend. 


Oh the Blood of Jesus; 

Oh the Blood of Jesus; 

Oh the Blood of Jesus; 

It washes white as snow. 


There’s power in the Blood of Jesus; 

There’s power in the Blood of Jesus;

There’s power in the Blood of Jesus. 


Perhaps you are familiar with the concept of surrendering your anxious thoughts and desires under the Blood of Jesus, for it is this act of obedience that will give you peace, teach you about surrender, and understand that the Blood of Christ offers safety.  Too often we latch on to our desires out of desperation believing that if we pray harder, worship louder, and seek the counsel of anointed people - maybe things will start to move and shake in our favour. How many of us have done this? How many of us have been frustrated when the moving and shaking doesn’t happen right away?  Here in lies one of the issues: we often call upon the prayers and intercession of others because we become too weak and tired to pray for ourselves as we emotionally unravel. I have nothing against prayer and intercession, and in fact, I strongly believe and approve of its absolute necessity (Ephesians, John and Luke); however, I have learned that personal development is the only way to strengthen our spiritual muscles for Spiritual Stamina. 


Psalms 112:7 reads, “He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord.” We then read in Isaiah 41:10, “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” 


Going about life with the absence of difficulty is impossible for we know that “in this life we will have trouble”. Difficulty (storms) exposes our lack of faith, complacency and reliance on the strength of others rather than learning to mitigate unfavourable seasons through the Word of God, Prayer, and Worship. Words of encouragement are necessary, yes, though may I submit to you the primary purpose for difficult seasons is character development, crushing of old things so new things can take place and the breaking of old habits. There is no room for increase unless we make clean space for fresh oil. 


In order to develop spiritual stamina, there will be times of isolation, frustration, unraveling and loss of control (your control). You do not control the plans of life for it is in Jeremiah 29:11 that declares, God knows the plans for You. He knows the plans that will prosper you. Left up to your own devices guaranteed you will not prosper, but through unfavourable experiences there will be forced understanding drawn through intimate time with Christ. That is the main goal of Spiritual Stamina. If grumbles, misery, self-pity and selfishness prevail then the cycle of difficulty will also continue until you learn to pass the test of fighting through the emotional and mental heaviness. 


Can you submit all your concerns today under the Blood of Christ, and confidently shift your thoughts on something that has not become an idol in your life? The idol is anything that has taken precedence over Christ, even if they are constant thoughts that become distractions. To surrender is to let go and let God. Isn’t that the famous saying?  Do not allow your circumstance to rob you of one more minute, hour, or day of Joy.  Life is short and to be absent of peace is not what God wants for you. 


Fellow readers, understand that everything you need to live a life of victory, healing, protection and authority over whatever is consuming you today, can be submitted under Christ. The sacrifice on the cross is not to be taken lightly because it was not without blood that Jesus literally gave up everything - I do mean everything - so you can live freely! You are not alone in whatever is consuming you or bringing you to your knees. If you feel yourself collapsing on your knees, rest there like a child before the Father and submit everything at His feet. As you load shed, He will strengthen and equip you through Spiritual Stamina. Stay strong and courageous dear ones. Tomorrow is a new day and renewed Hope is available to you. It’s your choice to receive it.  



Rebekah Mazzei

Rebekah Mazzei is passionate about bringing awareness and education to the next generation about walking in purpose and understanding the function of the Holy Spirit. With her public service and business experience, Rebekah brings a multi-faceted perspective to breaking social norms and walking in the identity and purpose set by Christ. Rebekah believes that by all doing our small part and using our unique gifts and strengths, we can equip history makers for the next generation.


If You Follow Him, They Will Follow You


God is Not a Chauffeur