I Surrender All

I woke up this morning with a song written on my heart, “I Surrender All”. Do you know this song? It’s an old classic. It is not every day that I wake up with a song running through my head, but today it was a promise and reminder to just breath. The lyrics say: 

All to Jesus I surrender

All to Him I freely give

I will ever love and trust Him

In His presence daily live. 


I surrender all

I surrender all

All to Thee my blessed Saviour 

I surrender all. 

The continuation of this song goes on to say that all to Jesus I surrender. Humbly at His feet I will bow, forsaking all worldly pleasures and asking the Father to take me just as I am. What beautiful words! What meaningful words! When I began to sing, the very depth of my heart cried out to God forsaking every stress, every anxiety, every worry, every human effort, so that I could make room for the Holy Spirit to bridge the gap where human capacity could not be accessed.  

A scripture that comes to mind is Job 11:13-16. What does it look like to trust in the Lord? it’s simple. Stretch out your hands and offer him the very thing(s) that is consuming you today, for you will surely forget your troubles and see them only as waters gone by. Meaning, don’t allow self-control to have a place in your life. Taking matters into your own hands is not the solution, rather call on the One who is near to you always. The One who is your very present help in times of trouble. 

As described in Psalm 37:7, “Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret…” Certainly, I know this is easier said than done. In my own life I’m required to practice this daily. Allow yourself the room to grow daily and cut yourself some slack. We can be our worst critic when it comes to living wholly for God. This is not about super spiritualism, this is about a relationship with Christ. Let me remind you that we are also flawed, so perfection is something we strive for, but certainly will not be achieved until we get to Heaven. What am I saying? Your daily relationship with Christ is not perfect. If mine is not perfect, then yours is not either; however, it should be a continual work in progress. Momentum is required daily.  Perhaps you have applied Psalms 37:7 more diligently in previous seasons of your life. Today marks the day, you strive for better. I have also come to grasp with great conviction and proof more recently, that if you have done all you can as a daughter of Christ, meaning:  You have prayed, you have fasted, you have submitted without fear regarding your answer, you have worshiped, and you continue to trust in the Lord for His good and perfect will, then dear one, that is all that is required of you. The solution is for God to reveal. 

To give freely is not an easy task. It’s quite normal to hang on to something (a dream, a desire, a hope) with the idea that you can figure it out and make it work. Lovely, it is not for you to figure out. Rather, it is in your best interest to sit with God and ask Him how you can best receive peace in your time of surrender. God wants you to receive all that is in the store House of Heaven marked with your name. To trust in God can also be challenging because each season requires a new level of testing and patience; however, this is the process by which God tests the hearts of those who claim to love Him. So, if you love Him, and I mean truly desire to be an ambassador for His name, then surrender and trust the one who is Alpha & Omega (beginning and the end).  Your life testimony is the best representation of these principles.

A whisper came into my Spirit this week in my quiet time with God and I want to share it:  “I’ve done my best, now it is time for God to do the rest”  - Rebekah Mazzei.

Rebekah Mazzei

Rebekah Mazzei is passionate about bringing awareness and education to the next generation about walking in purpose and understanding the function of the Holy Spirit. With her public service and business experience, Rebekah brings a multi-faceted perspective to breaking social norms and walking in the identity and purpose set by Christ. Rebekah believes that by all doing our small part and using our unique gifts and strengths, we can equip history makers for the next generation.


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