Why A Man Is the Vision Bearer Of His Family
See why God speaks to husbands differently than He does to wives.
Family Traditions
Seele contributor, Thomasena Thomas shares her family Christmas traditions and that when looking at Christian traditions, it is the rules and guidelines of traditions that keeps the values of a family- or faith alive.
Little Women Comes to the Silver Screen
The new film “Little Women” out today is the classic American story of love and family. It follows the lives of four sisters, of their challenges, hopes and dreams.
What’s In Your Hand?- Family
To whom much is given, much is required, and that includes our families. Last week I wrote about how our relationships- those that breathe life into us and that bless us, i.e. work, romantic, and platonic relationships are gifts from God, placed in our hands for a reason. This week I will talk about family. God is asking, “what are you doing with what’s in your hand when it comes to your parents, children, siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents, grandchildren, and cousins?” Why should God bless us with more or take us to new levels when we haven’t mastered nurturing our own flesh and blood?
How’s Your Soul?- Family
Continuing with the series, "How’s Your Soul?," I want to talk about family. While families have their problems a family is only as strong and good as the people in it. In order to be a good child, parent, cousin, nephew, grandchild, or uncle you have to get your soul right. When our souls aren’t right it can affect how we treat those in our families.
When Your Childhood Was Far From Ideal
Serena Alexander opens up about growing up with a bipolar father, in an unbalanced home, where she she has learned to trust God in the confusion of her upbringing.
Jacob, His Family Drama + 1 Woman
Every family has problems. And for some, what looks good on the outside is often not the case of what’s going on in the inside. Jacob, one of the Old Testament patriarch's, his family is not exempt from family problems.