Rose Tchwenko Talks Early Girl Marriages in Malawi and What CARE is Doing About It
Rose Tchwenko works for CARE, an organization within a worldwide movement dedicated to ending poverty. They are known everywhere for our unshakeable commitment to the dignity of people. Rose opens up about the issues facing young girls in Malawi, a landlocked country in southeast Africa.
CARE- Global Leaders Network and Supporting Girls in Afghanistan
Recently, Seele interviewed, Beth Solomon, the Managing Director of External Affairs and Development for the Network. The interview was done in conjunction with a reception that the Network held last night at the Embassy of Afghanistan in Washington, DC, supporting Afghan Girls and Their Dreams.
A Chat with Victoria Bridges
Victoria has been a documentary filmmaker for most of her career. She’s half American, having gone to Harvard University, but she lives in the UK with her husband and daughter. Now she’s heading up a chapter of Global Girl Media in London.
Beyond Definition: A Day for Women
What International Women's day means for the Kyrgyz people.
Pseudo Relationships, Guys, and Girls
In this 21st century day and age the male and female relationship is different than it was generations ago.