
If You Follow Him, They Will Follow You

A lot of times we can get caught up in wanting people to follow us- our ideas, blogs, articles, social media accounts, style, etc- says Seele Editor, Ally. But these are all carnal things. I’m not saying people don’t have good ideas or style, but they are still carnal. People are already looking at us and we don’t often realize it because they aren’t telling us. If we follow HIM, then it may lead people to follow HIM as well.

If You Follow Him, They Will Follow You

Jo Saxton: Nigerian Londoner In America, Teaching Leadership

Jo is a Brit living in the United States, and she is the chair of the board of 3Dmovements, a non-profit organization that seeks to change the world by putting discipleship and mission back into the hands of ordinary people.

Jo Saxton: Nigerian Londoner In America, Teaching Leadership

Leadership 101- Nehemiah Style: Someone to Uphold You in 2017

Isn’t it interesting how one part of your life can be going so well- i.e. jobs, success, health, finances, free time BUT another part can be struggling or almost nonexistent- i.e. your relationships, your marriage, or your relationship with your kids? We certainly weren’t meant to always stay on the mountain. With Nehemiah as our model, we'll see one practical life application from Scripture that we can use so that we don’t lose our joy, faith and hope in the midst of having one part of your life going well and another part that may not be going so well.

Leadership 101- Nehemiah Style: Someone to Uphold You in 2017

Seele Book of the Month- May

In The 4 Dimensions of Extraordinary Leadership, Jenni Catron, executive church leader and author of Clout, reveals the secrets to standout leadership found in the Great Commandment: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.”

Seele Book of the Month- May

Leadership 101 – Nehemiah Style

When you choose to do something, an uplifting task that will bless others and build up God’s kingdom, buckle up because the enemy will throw everything he’s got in various forms at you, to stop you- but have faith, trust God, and keep moving.