Posts tagged photography
Dark Rooms, Red Carpets, Hollywood and Oscar

If the light hits a photo too early in the dark room, it will destroy the image. If light hits a child of God too early while they are in process, it can destroy the person and the plans God has for their lives. It is crucial to trust the slow road. It is crucial to stay in the “dark room,” and let patience have its perfect work in you

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Caroline: eine Journalistin, eine Fotografin, und eine Reisende- All In One

Caroline: A Journalist, a Photographer, and a Traveler. "In a few decisive moments where I was so close to letting go, and then suddenly realized it had always been a bigger part of my life than I thought possible - I slowly began to discover, love and be stunned by a God that I never really came across in 18 years," she says.

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