Fruit Inspection
Though we have no right to judge another, when we sit back and inspect their fruit, especially bad fruit, we may not know what's going in their hearts or minds. But, we will know that something is going on in their root system.
How do you Walk?
Do we trust God when He takes us down a street that doesn’t look familiar? Do we trust God when He has given us the GPS coordinates but He has us to go through traffic, and we think He has given us the wrong route? It’s so easy to think that God has made a mistake and that we’ve landed on a weird path.
Let People Be Free
If we can’t accept people for who they are and let them make decisions and choices according to their own internal logic then that means are controlling. And control is not rooted in love; it’s rooted in fear and insecurity.
Fat & Juicy: A Kind of Wolf of Wall Street
There’s something in letting a person get what he or she truly desires, even if it’s bad for them, and hopefully after some time they’ll open their eyes and see that what they wanted after all isn’t as awesome as they thought it would be.
Noteworthy Exhortations
If you don’t see any traces of God answering your prayer yet, don’t give up on God. An answer is coming and sometimes not in the form you hope. Let the testing of your faith (the waiting) have its good work in you so that you can develop perseverance and therefore you will not lack anything
A Test of Character- Blessing Others
It will be the most difficult of people that make us stronger; the most controlling of people that will make us relaxed and secure; the most insecure people that will make us confident; the most selfish of people that will make us humble; the most selfish of people that will make us giving; the most meanest, angry and evil of people that will make us love and forgive.
If you can't race against men, how can you race against horses?
I, you, we don’t like when we’re hit with a challenge. We don’t like when bad seasons befall us- job loss, a relationship we wanted fails, mistreatment, a business deal goes bad, betrayal, rejection, we lose our home, or a friendship goes sour.
King Solomon on Wisdom, Fools, and Folly
Anyone, whether Christian or non-Christian, should immerse themselves in the book of Proverbs. There are practical and spiritual life applications that can save a fool from folly.
Leadership 101 – Nehemiah Style
When you choose to do something, an uplifting task that will bless others and build up God’s kingdom, buckle up because the enemy will throw everything he’s got in various forms at you, to stop you- but have faith, trust God, and keep moving.
The Condition of the Human Heart, Part III- Lip Flappin’
It’s probably one of the easiest commandments to break and I don’t think that we sit and think about the ramifications of lip flappin’ and that it reveals what’s really in our hearts. It shows how we feel the need to puff up or own egos. So what does it mean to bear false witness against another?
We’re Not as Good as We Think we Are
Having grown up in the church all my life, and for anyone who has been a part of a church for years, you come across all types of Christians. And the saddest group is what I call the spiritually arrogant.
Manipulation and Impatience
Manipulation, whether it comes from a man or woman is rooted in selfishness.
Nixon, Hitler, and Saul
We’ve all felt insecure at moments in our lives- some overthink people and their actions, some close themselves off to community because they’ve lost trust and faith in people, some don’t want friend groups mixing for fear of their friends becoming friends, and so on.