How God Led Me to A Group of Monks Living on A Pacific Island

How God Led Me to A Group of Monks Living on A Pacific Island
Top right photo- Ben with two Melanesian monks.

Top right photo- Ben with two Melanesian monks.

Photos Courtesy of Ben Mack


Ben Mack is a New Zealand-based reporter who has written for outlets including The Southland Times, the Sunday Star-TimesThe PressVillainesseBusiness InsiderDeutsche Welle and The Local Sweden. You can follow him on Twitter @benmack_nz or on Facebook.


After living for several years in Europe, Ben pursued a lifelong dream and moved to New Zealand. An Auckland-based writer, his work has appeared in Business Insider, the Sunday Star-Times, The Press, Villainesse, Idealog, Deutsche Welle, The Local Sweden, and more. He can be found on Twitter @benmack_nz.