
When God Does Not Intervene, Until We Make A Decision

SEELE Editor Ally unpacks Daniel’s standards and willingness to draw a line and not eat tainted food. It’s when Daniel showed his resolve to be committed to God that God then moved on Daniel’s behalf and gave him favor. Where is God looking to see if you’ve drawn a line(s), to live according to His standards, so that He can grant you more favor in life?

When God Does Not Intervene, Until We Make A Decision

Dear Woman

SEELE Contributor Oboitshepo Tladi writes from a prophetic voice of overcoming for the feminine soul. Read this post with your spiritual eyes, to understand in this season, God is propelling His daughters, those who have been in the wilderness of waiting, of being renewed in His Spirit for a long period of time, to a new season of harvest, new relationships, new jobs, marriage, and increase. When you look back you will see how God has prepared you for such a time as this.

Dear Woman

Getting Back Into The Swing Of Things: Resolving To Go Deeper In God

For today's Friday Post, SEELE Editor, Ally shares in a new series that as we’re all getting back into the swing of things in this age of Covid, and as we start up again, we may be faced with questions of trying to discern the voice of God. In this new decade, the roaring 20s, what a roar it will be with seeing many signs and wonders from God. But, with moves of God in this year there will also be moves of the devil. In order to make it through 2020, we have to resolve to go deeper with God, to be in a deeper relationship with Him to overcome what the decade may throw at us.

Getting Back Into The Swing Of Things: Resolving To Go Deeper In God

Getting Back Into The Swing Of Things: Looking To God In All Situations

For today's Friday Post, SEELE Editor, Ally shares in a new series that as the world is getting back into the swing of things in this age of Covid, we must remember that it is God Who we will need in all seasons to get through all types of situations. It is God who we need to resolve to keep our eyes on.

Getting Back Into The Swing Of Things: Looking To God In All Situations

There’s No god Like God

"2020 has been a hard year for us all from the Coronavirus that’s still running rampant, to hurricanes, the racial unrest in the United States, to the recent Beirut explosion, and to the killings happening in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, we’re all having our limit of what we can tolerate," writes the Editor of Seele. "But, in all these things God is faithful and He is on the throne, working in all this year’s pain," she writes.

There’s No god Like God

Black Lives In The Bible: Zipporah

Continuing with the series: “Black Lives In The Bible,” we see Zipporah, a Black woman and the wife of Moses. We see through her brother-in-law and sister-in-law (Moses’ siblings), that through a situation they were racist towards her. And we see because of this situation God hates racism, as well as having His decisions challenged by man’s opinion. Racism is not a skin color issue, it’s a heart issue. In looking at the account of Moses’ siblings’ racism towards his wife, we see that the Hebrews were held back from moving forward, until Moses’ sister’s bad heart was sanctified and transformed. Racism doesn’t just hold back the racist, it holds back the subjugated as well.

Black Lives In The Bible: Zipporah

Everything You Need To Know About Joseph, the Papa of Jesus

We don’t know too much about Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus. We do know that he was from the tribe of Judah and most Christian denominations agree that he was way older than Mary, somewhere in his 40s when he married 13ish year-old Mary. And, that he most likely had children from another marriage (it is presumed he was a widower) when he married Mary.

Everything You Need To Know About Joseph, the Papa of Jesus

Pure Influence and Affluence Comes from God

In this day everyone is a journalist with their blogs, and everyone seems to be an influencer with their social media accounts. Media is allowing up to stay connected and see what our counterparts around the world are doing. In this social media age, it seems as if we’re all trying to exalt ourselves. I’m not anti-social media. There are many positive aspects of it. Nor am I anti influencer or anti- affluence. God has blessed various people with influence and affluence, and has exalted certain people above others…

Pure Influence and Affluence Comes from God

Don’t Just Be a Good King, Destroy the Idols

The kings of Israel and Judah were a mixture of good and bad kings. Bad, meaning that they did evil things and strayed away from God. One mark of a good king is that he would hold the kingdom to accountability when it came to what his people worshiped. Quite simply, he got rid of idols- foreign altars and pagan shrines. Our God takes an invested interested in our lives, and he only wants us serving him because there is a freedom and joy when as Paul states, we are only a “bondservant” to Christ. So, if you have an idol in your life (an addiction, a bad habit, an activity that consumes you- any sin) make a concerted effort to lay it at the foot of the cross and be free from it.

Don’t Just Be a Good King, Destroy the Idols

Positioning Yourself to be Ready

Our skills, talents, knowledge are not a waste. They’re all things that God can use so when you gain a new piece of knowledge, you are actually positioning yourself to be used by God. Today’s Friday Post is inspired by a chat we had with Zealand band leader, Phil Joel.

Positioning Yourself to be Ready

Our Early 20s Concept of “Calling” is a Prison

 I feel that the word “calling” is a word that gets bounced around in evangelical churches a lot. It’s a word that we get hit with time and time again when we look at interviews of those we look up to. I’ve even asked people in interviews, “how did you know you were called to be a singer, actor, etc?” But maybe you and I have been thinking about “calling” differently that doesn’t align with the Heavenly view of “calling.”

Our Early 20s Concept of “Calling” is a Prison

He Wants to Be Let In

Have you ever felt emotional, like just breaking down in tears because you’re trying to keep everything inside? There are moments in life when tears  seem to be the only solution to all that’s going on inside. It’s important to let it out and I think God wants us to let out and express our emotions in a healthy way.

He Wants to Be Let In

When God Makes His Presence Known When You Least Expect It

We all have traditions of some kind. Some of us make a point of seeing family every year for Christmas. Some of us prefer to eat certain foods on certain days, because that’s what we grew up with. Seele contributor, Ben Mack explains the traditions that lead us back to God.

When God Makes His Presence Known When You Least Expect It

The Importance of Talking to God

Seele contributor, Ben Mack points out the importance of talking to God, for what we do when we're alone reveals who we truly are. In order to have a relationship with someone, we have to communicate regularly- the same goes with God. He wants to hear from us everyday, and several times a day.

The Importance of Talking to God