How’s Your Soul?- EGO

According to the dictionary, ego is: the “I” or self of any person; a person as thinking, feeling, and willing and distinguishing itself from the selves of others and from objects of its thought.

In plainer terms, ego is an acronym for “edging God out.” Last year I began 2016 with a series about “relationships.” Relationships- with God, Others, Sex, Marriage, Divorce, Loving Yourself, Porn & Adultery, Dating, and Boundaries. What I tried to get at was that relationship in this fast paced, plugged into technologically advanced world can be hard to make work. But, that relationship with God should be first, because our relationship with Him will affect our other relationships.

This year I’m starting Seele’s Friday post with a series on “How’s Your Soul?” It’s more personal where I will cover Ego, Brokenness, Spiritual Life, Dating & Marriage, Porn, Family, People and Money.

So ego… When “I” or “self” is supreme in our lives there is no room for God. The only way we can TRULY know God is with humility, and it’s through Him that we will begin to love others as we love ourselves.

As King Solomon said “pride [aka- ego] goes before the fall (Proverbs 16:18)].” Let’s look at another king, King Solomon, the first king of Israel who God anointed. Saul had God behind him. He looked like a king, he was handsome, tall, well-built (1 Samuel 9:2). Ladies he was gorgeous ;) He was from the tribe of Benjamin, the smallest of the Israelite tribes (side note- God loves to use the marginalized, those that man considers small and build them up to high places for His glory.) But Saul repeatedly didn’t listen to God’s commands. He began doing things according to his own will and God decided that while he [Saul] was still king, David- a humble shepherd boy who had a heart for God- would be king.

The “straw that broke the camel’s back” for God was when Saul consulted the Witch of Endor to tell him the future. (Another side note-leave mediums, witches, Ouija boards, tarot cards, and psychics alone!) Saul’s ego was so high that he no longer cared about God’s statutes. With every disobedient act, Saul was edging God out of his life, PLUS PLUS PLUS, he was a king leading God’s people. The day after he consulted the Witch of Endor, Saul died (as God commanded through the Prophet Samuel). And with every disobedient act, Saul was only thinking of himself- not God, not the seriousness of his role, not his people, and not his spiritual guide- Samuel.

So what’s the lesson for us? Let’s resolve to not edge God out but make Him the center of our lives in our relationship with Him, and with other areas of our lives like work, family, friends, travel, etc. When we edge Him out we will cut off blessings for ourselves, and I don’t know about you but I want my blessings from God this year!

Happy New Year! God bless you! Happy Friday xx!

Ally Portee

With 12 years of professional experience and having lived in 9 countries, with a background in International Relations, Ally has worked in private, nonprofit, and public sectors. Over the past 4 years she has developed an eye for couture craftsmanship, and she has learned how to put intricate and detailed collections into words. As a result, Ally has developed relationships with some of the world's most leading brands, covering Paris Fashion Week and Milan Fashion Week, as well as Riyadh Fashion Week. She currently writes for The Hollywood Reporter and Euronews, with bylines in Forbes, Harper’s Bazaar, Refinery 29, and Vogue.

How's Your Soul?- Brokeness


January Book of the Month- Wild At Heart