The top 5 fascinating things about shoe design

1)    Last design: This will effect onto the look and comfort of the shoes

2)    Ergonomic: Body physics

3)    Selection of material: the material of a shoe determines its comfort and design.

4)    Style: Sometimes fashion style and clothing fashion can be a consideration for shoe design.

5)    Body proportions. This will effect a lot on boots design.

A video of Rachel working in her shoe studio in Taiwan.

Rachel Jui Chi Chang

Rachel Jui Chi Change is a Taiwanese designer who specializes in footwear. Her work often explores shoe forms, and her specialty is in engineering frameworks on how to build a show around a foot. Her collaboration with fashion designers depends on the designers brand and her taste of fashion, which is minimal chic. Rachel also teaches in universities as a guest examiner, lecturer and tutor. For more information about Rachel, please visit:

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