Advent, Creation, and Hope

This year has been unsettling and distressing one as the world still struggles with the Covid-19 pandemic. To close this year, I offer some reflections in this Advent season as we prepare for Christmas.  

1. Advent draws us towards the true meaning of Christmas and away from consumerism.

 During Advent, we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, our LORD and Saviour. In an era where Christmas is marked by unsustainable levels of spending, Advent draws us away from the lure of consumerism.

 This year, many of us reconsidered our relationship with consumerism and its impacts on the Earth. Whether it was due to changing economic circumstances or habits, such as working from home, 2020 prompted many of us to reconsider our spending and the impacts of consumerism on the Earth.  Google Search statistics show that queries on “how to live a sustainable lifestyle” increased in 2020 as many of us reconsidered our lifestyles.  

 The pandemic also taught us that nature needs a Sabbath. Public health research showed us the links between destroying natural habitat and the increased contact between animals and humans which proliferates the spread of zoonotic viruses. It also showed us the links between air pollution and Covid-19 case numbers. Photos during the lockdown periods showing clearer skies and animals returning to public spaces are a poignant reminder of humanity’s disproportionate impact on the Earth. On August 22, we marked this year’s Earth Overshoot Day, which tells us that our insatiable greed and consumption is outpacing the Earth’s ability to recover.   

 Advent orients us to resist the temptations of disposable consumerism by orienting us back towards Christ, our Savior and risen King, and the firstborn of creation, in whom and for whom all things are made (Colossians 1:18).

2. Advent reminds us of God’s promises of redemption and reconciliation for the entire world.


The opening chapters of Genesis shows GOD’s deep love for all of creation - the plants, animals, and birds that live on the earth and in the skies; as well as humans. Genesis tells us of how GOD declares creation to be good and to have inherent worth.  


As in previous years, we have experienced climate change’s impacts this year. Our neighbours in the countries of Honduras, Guatemala, and the Caribbean faced one hurricane after another, and our neighbours in Australia and the Western United States faced out of control wildfires that have been called “climate fires” for their intensity and root cause in climate change. We watched with lament as acres of forests burned and animals died and lost their natural habitat. 

During Advent, we may reread Mary’s encounter with the angel Gabriel who foretells her important role in becoming the mother of Jesus. Mary’s response is told in Luke 1:46-55. This prayer of praise and worship at God’s greatness and goodness is called The Magnificat.  In her prayer, Mary expresses her confidence in GOD, who works justice on behalf of those who are vulnerable and unimportant in the world’s eyes and who can work in ways beyond our comprehension.   

The groaning of creation and the plight of our neighbours draws us to our need for GOD. Like Mary, we look to GOD to restore and redeem the creation and human communities that were created to be good.  We place our hope in Christ’s return and redemption of the entire earth.

The Gospel of Luke also tells us that Mary pondered her experience with the angel Gabriel in her heart. During this season, we can commune with GOD in creation by going for a walk outside, observing the changing of the seasons, or enjoying a winter activity rather than following the crowds into a shopping centre or spending endless hours in front of a screen. 

Advent calls us to prepare our hearts for the birth of Jesus, our LORD, savior, and healer of all nations and the whole Earth.   

Take action

  1. Climate Action Advent Calendar - instead of shopping and consuming more, this Advent calendar offers tips to live sustainably and to support stewardship initiatives:


A Prayer To Stay Christ-focused At Christmas, by Meg Bucher


You Are Meant To Be Like An Eagle