
The Art of Reinvention: 3 Easy Ways to Change Yourself for the Better

The holiday season is here and along with it, all the joyous celebrations. Now is the best time to reinvent yourself. Here are three easy ways to change yourself for the better.

The Art of Reinvention: 3 Easy Ways to Change Yourself for the Better

Aakanksha Tangri Shares How to Reset and Find Wellbeing in 2020

Each year around this time, you may find yourself getting anxious because the inevitable questions abound: “What are your New Year’s plans?” “Have you figured out how you’re getting around traffic on New Year’s Eve?”  “Any resolutions?” “How are you going to ensure you stick to them?” Producer, writer, advocate and founder of Re:set, Aakanksha Tangri, shares four ways to enusre wellbeing in 2020 by staying the same old you.

Aakanksha Tangri Shares How to Reset and Find Wellbeing in 2020

Everything You Need to Know About Mary, the Mama of Jesus

One of the most fascinating women of the ages, Mary the mother of Jesus was a humble girl from the tiny town of Nazareth. Giving birth to Jesus around the age of 13/14, she would carry a burden, a beautiful burden, but a heavy burden the rest of her life. ‘The rare moment- accounts of conversations between Jesus and His mother that we find in the Gospels are laden with love and riddled with pain.’ A relatable woman to us all, SEELE’s last Friday Post of 2019 highlights a woman whose life was forever changed when Gabriel met her with news. And her unwavering devotion to her Son’s mission is a reminder of the true reason of the season.

Everything You Need to Know About Mary, the Mama of Jesus

A Season of Gentleness

Seele contributor, Rebekah Mazzei points out how this is generally a time of festivities, traditions and holiday parties, but it can also be a very lonely and sad season for many. Whatever this holiday season may mean for you, it's a season of possibilities and opportunities to love. And let's not forget that Jesus is the reason for the season.

A Season of Gentleness

Christmas Isn’t Christmas without Irving Berlin

For another Christmas, music teacher, Cassandra Smith Portee has opened up the life of composer and songwriter, Irving Berlin, a Russian immigrant who lived in the US and who contributed to the world a Christmas timepiece.

Christmas Isn’t Christmas without Irving Berlin