Knowing Christ between Christmas and Easter

Christian Life Coach and Speaker, Heather Ferroni shares an invitation from Jesus to get to know Him beyond the Christmas and Easter experience in 2020.

Just a few days after Christmas, before the new year, I woke up and reached for my Bible and asked, “Lord what do you want me to know? What do you want to show me today?”

I felt like I heard Him reply, “Not enough people know me between Christmas and Easter!”

I sensed grief in His heart as He impressed upon my heart, “Many Christians know OF me, but I want them to truly know me intimately, deeply and personally.” 

During the Advent season, we hear many messages focusing on the birth of Jesus and then as the new year turns, we switch our attention inwardly as we develop personal goals and resolutions. Church services tend to resume to their regular broadcasting and sermon series covering a wide range of topics. Come Spring, we once again get inundated with messages about the events leading up to the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. If we were to get really honest with ourselves, how many of us continually stay focused on the full life and leadership of Jesus throughout the year? Most of us know of Jesus, but what would it be like to live a life of devotion to Christology?

Christology is derived from two Greek words that translate to “the study of or understanding of Christ.” It is a theological term that serves to understand the person/humanity, nature, and role of Jesus Christ. 

I believe as we enter into a new decade of history (HIS-story), He is inviting us to know Him in much greater ways. He craves to spend sacred moments where we choose to put aside the busyness and bustle of life and carve out dedicated time in personal study just to learn about who He is. He doesn’t just want us to know about Him through the teaching, study and explanation of our favorite teachers, preachers, pastors, and prophets. He’s calling us into His Word. He desires a personal relationship with us. He wants to become our very best friend. He’s not some far-off distant God, He is Immanuel, Christ with us. 

Some of the most precious times encountering His heart is when I just sat in silence and soaked in His presence. So as you’re evaluating your goals and making plans to become all He’s created you to be so that you can go where He calls you to GO and do what He’s called you to DO, how might you be able to prioritize spending time with and learning about Jesus this year? 

Who else craves to have a closer relationship with Lord Jesus? For more encouraging content, blogs, YouTube Videos and other resources, please hang with me over at

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