Why Everyone Should be Using Coconut Oil Everyday

Coconut oil is absolutely amazing! Why?

It's high in saturated fat content, which makes it absolutely healthy. It lasts about two years without ever going rancid. It carries many benefits like boosting your metabolism for weight loss, weight control and building up a strong immune system.

I always have Coconut oil at home. I eat two teaspoons of Coconut oil every morning before anything else, because it helps with the metabolism and digestion. 

I use it for almost everything:

·       frying oil

·       mouth wash/ oil pulling for healthy mouth flora (removes toxins from teeth and gum)

·       face and body cream

·       deodorant (together with Natron i.e. Baking Soda)

·       against sun burn

·       to make healthy chocolate

·       for a dry scalp

·       after insect bites (just apply after the bite)

·       skin irritations


Here are a few recipes:


Hair mask:


·         Apply coconut oil to the roots of your hair when your hair becomes dry.

·         Put some coconut oil into the microwave until it becomes a liquid consistency, or keep it between the palm of your hands, then massage it into your scalp, let it stay overnight (make sure to cover your head or use extra pillowcase), and wash your hair in the morning.


Homemade Toothpaste:


·         ½ cup Baking Soda

·         ¼ cup Coconut Oil

·         2 or 2 ½ tsp Peppermint Extract if you like some taste to it

·         Some sweetener like Xylitol or Stevia if it is too salty for you

·         Mix together and scoop into airtight container-  done


Face Cleanser:


 2 tsp Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

 1 tsp Baking Soda

Put the mixture into a bowl and mix well. Leave for 5 Minutes then it’s ready. Use directly on the skin, rub areas slowly, leave for 5 minutes, and rinse with warm water. I promise you will feel the difference.





Homemade Face and Body Cream:


·         Decide if you like to only use plain Coconut Oil or add some other ingredients like Shea Butter, Primrose Oil, and Cacao Butter. For Body Cream you could add one or two drops of pure essential oil (one you like the smell of).

·         I don’t measure, I just measure with what I feel is right.


Body-& Room-spray:


·         Get a bottle with a spay top

·         Fill to ¾ with distilled water

·         Use some cosmetic alcohol. I use Isopropyl- alcohol 70%

·         Use some pure essential oil drops for the smell you like. I like Lavender, Rosemary, Orange, Peppermint, Lime (depending on the season)


Heathy Chocolate- Bark recipe:


·         ½ cup liquid Coconut Oil (just heat up till liquid)

·         ¼ cup Maple Syrup

·         ½ cup pure raw organic Cacao powder

·         ¼ cup chopped Pistachio or other Nuts you like

·         ½ cup dried Fruits or some more Nuts

·         Mix the Coconut oil & Maple syrup in a bowl, add the cacao powder, mix thoroughly, pour mixture onto sheet of baking paper (in a pan), sprinkle with the nuts and dried Fruits, and place this in freezer for 30 minutes to set. It’s now ready to enjoy or keep stored in fridge.  Be aware that the mixture turns to liquid when the temperature is above 18° C (64°F).


I hope you will enjoy Coconut Oil as much as I do and see all the health benefits it has for you.


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