I Called and You Answered

My whole life I place in your hands,
God of mercy,
Humbled I bow down,
in your presence at your throne.

I called you answered,
And you came to my rescue and I,
Wanna be where you are.

Sitting and meditating in my office this week this song written by Hillsong came to my mind. I got off my chair and lay prostrate before the Lord in the most humble position possible. Flat to the ground I sang this song repeatedly with tears streaming and pooling onto the floor. How often is it that we take the time to humble ourselves before the Lord and say “Here I am” or even better, simply call out the name of “Jesus”. How often is it that we can completely surrender and humble ourselves to the point of knowing that only God can rescue us from ourselves, our troubles and present circumstances. 


Psalm 50:15 reads, “Then call on me when you are in trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give me glory.” (NLT)


Let me breakdown this verse. Trouble can be defined as adversity, hardship, distress, disaster, sorrow, misery, tribulation, difficulty, misadventure and pain. When you replace the word trouble with any one of these nouns its easy to identify how God is speaking to each of us in our present situation. There is no exception to any person, race, nationality, gender, or age demographic. We all face some sort of trouble. 


Rescue can be defined as to free one from confinement, danger or evil. To recover by force or to deliver by force. 

God can recover us by force (without limitation or barrier) and this can be emotional, physical or spiritual. The rescuing is swift. 


Glory can be defined as praise, honour and thanksgiving. 

We give glory through our worship in praise, honour and thanksgiving in words of declaration and even our testimony. 


The song from Hillsong speaks to the revelation of Psalm 50:15. At times I fully believe that God will continue to add situations in our lives until we receive the message that humbleness is necessary to have an active and mutual relationship with our Father. He will not fight us for control; though, He will present us with opportunities where we can be be free from whatever is confining us from living a life of Joy. 


This verse speaks to the attributes of God’s character. In basic form, whatever the cause of misfortune, God will bring an effect of protective measure, so that we can rejoice and give honour to the One and Only who is able to conquer for us. (Ref. Romans 8:37). 


To those reading today, be reminded that God is able and He will never fail. Through the name of Jesus we are able to overcome. God will do exceedingly and abundantly more than we could ever ask, and it’s through Psalms 50:15 that He is indeed asking us to test Him. God is on our side, and He wants to show His great love and power. He will make a way! He has done great things in the past, so why not for today? Of course He can do it again. 


Rest in Peace and assurance that you have access to the One who is able.  All you need to do is seek and ask. Amen. 


Rebekah Mazzei

Rebekah Mazzei is passionate about bringing awareness and education to the next generation about walking in purpose and understanding the function of the Holy Spirit. With her public service and business experience, Rebekah brings a multi-faceted perspective to breaking social norms and walking in the identity and purpose set by Christ. Rebekah believes that by all doing our small part and using our unique gifts and strengths, we can equip history makers for the next generation.


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