If You Listen, He’ll Tell You Where to Be
“Oh God, where do you want me to be? What do you want me to do?” We’ve all prayed prayers like this. Have you ever felt like you don’t know where to be and what to do? In these seasons we feel lost, and we may feel like God isn’t speaking.
Abraham knew where to go and what to do. The Israelites in the desert knew where to go and what to do. The Apostle Paul knew where to go and what to do. But, what’s the one thing Abraham, the Israelites in the desert, and Paul had in common? They knew how to listen to God.
If we listen, He will always tell us where to be. We have to know how to listen and wait on God to tell us where to be. When we pray a prayer, we must be patient. God is a God of process, which means He orchestrates and lines things up at the right time. So, if you’re praying to move to a new location, or to get married, or to quit your job and start your own business- it will take time to set these things up. We also want to make sure that what we’re praying for is the will of God. So, we must allow God time to line up the key people, to make sure the funding is solid, and to do the necessary things so that when He tells us where to be, we’ll be fully sustained there.
Listening takes time. We can’t expect God to speak right then. But, I find that when I keep praying, “Lord, show me what it is that you want me to do, show me when you want me to do it, and show me how you want me to do it- not my will but your will-“ I find that God speaks at the right time.
So, if you’re praying for something, listen to God and He will tell you where to be. Be patient and don’t stop praying.
“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.”