
The Ingredients for A Miracle Are Always in Our Possession

We’ve all been there, where we’ve come to the end of our rope and the clock has struck 12 midnight and we need a miracle. That could be a financial miracle, a job, physical healing, a place to live that’s in your budget, or a spiritual breakthrough.

But, in the midst of you really needing a miracle, have you ever thought that you already have the miracle you’re needing in your possession? While it’s God Who opens doors in our lives and brings breakthrough/miracles, He is often looking for us to have faith, prayer, hope and gusto. When we do our part, He will step in and do what we cannot.

The Ingredients for A Miracle Are Always in Our Possession

2019 + Prayer

We know from verses like James 5:16 that fervent prayer is powerful when it’s coming from a righteous person. And we know that prayer changes things. Sometimes we fall short in our prayer life. But, if we only knew how powerful and impactful prayer is, we’d never miss a day of it.

2019 + Prayer

If You Listen, He’ll Tell You Where to Be

“Oh God, where do you want me to be? What do you want me to do?” We’ve all prayed prayers like this. Have you ever felt like you don’t know where to be and what to do? In these seasons we feel lost, and we may feel like God isn’t speaking…

If You Listen, He’ll Tell You Where to Be

It’s Easy to Get In, But Hard to Get Out

Marriages, contracts, business deals, loans, treaties…. It’s easy to get in these thingsbut it can be very hard to get out. Discernment, patience and prayer are three things that are necessary in avoiding the things in life that are easy to get in, but hard to get out.

It’s Easy to Get In, But Hard to Get Out

Leadership 101 – Nehemiah Style

When you choose to do something, an uplifting task that will bless others and build up God’s kingdom, buckle up because the enemy will throw everything he’s got in various forms at you, to stop you- but have faith, trust God, and keep moving.