New-Age Meetings- Dress Like a Pro

Working from home seems to be the new norm for most people nowadays. The most crucial question that seems to be asked by everyone is what they should wear during virtual meetings. Seele Contributor, Shefali Karani shares what shes’s learned about dressing like a pro for virtual meetings


When it comes to business meetings, even if you’re using a laptop, be sure to wear a nice shirt with jeans, trousers, or a skirt. Even if you feel like no one is going to see your outfit, dressing up will help you feel more confident and focused on your meeting. During such meetings, I like to wear a neutral color shirt with jeans. Don’t forget to put your phone on silent and to inform others in your household about your meeting so that you won’t be disturbed at that time.

For school or college interviews, opt for a preppy look such as a polo shirt with jeans or trousers. This helps set the tone of the interview and shows that you as a student are serious about attending that school or college. First impressions are important so be sure you wear what you think looks good for such an occasion. Also make sure that you have reviewed all of your interview answers a day before so that you are well prepared ahead of time.

As for business interviews, I would strongly suggest that you wear something professional looking like a nice dress, a formal shirt with trousers, or a neutral shirt with jeans or a pencil skirt. Be sure to choose a neutral backdrop during such a meeting like a sofa facing a wall. The focus should be on you and not your home or what’s going on outside your home. Also make sure you chose a quiet place. If this is not possible, ask them if you can do an audio or phone interview instead.

Virtual meetings have been a part of our lives for quite some time now. Dress like you would to any other meeting for these meetings as well. What you wear does make a difference.

Shefali Karani

Shefali is the author of Own It! Love What You Already Have of which all book proceeds go toward good causes. She is an executive at her family’s business, and board director for two other companies. She’s an alumna of Columbia Business School in New York City and Drexel University. She lives in Dubai with her husband and continues to travel for work. To learn more, visit

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