New Year. New Beginnings.

This new year, I have been thinking a lot about my goals and plans for the year. I created SMART goals this year to help me focus my desires for the outcome of the year ahead. SMART goals are designed to help the goal setter develop intentions that are attainable within a time frame. 

SMART Goals:






We all want to achieve our goals however, we have to position ourselves for success. As people of faith, we rely on the Father to lead and guide our lives. We must submit our plans, visions, goals, and ideas to Him in hopes that what we are pursuing and doing will bring HIM the glory. 

Trust In and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your insight or understanding. In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him, and He will make your paths straight and smooth [removing obstacles that block your way].
— Proverbs 3: 5-6, AMP.

The verse you see above sat with me since before the year started. I was listening to a phenomenal sermon by Dr. Charles Stanley. In the homely, he spoke about the seven habits of a godly life. I was listening intently to the message in preparation for the new year, trying my hardest to get the practices he named down so that I can implement them in my own life. As I was listening, he mentioned this verse. This verse is your quintessential Bible memorizing verse, lol. It’s the verse you memorize for Easter Sunday. This verse was extra special to me on this particular day because earlier that day, this verse, or rather the hymn was on my heart. I opened the Bible app and pulled it up to “save” it, it appeared in the Amplified Bible version... I never read it in this translation, immediately I was compelled.

The amplified translation of this verse is powerful. It brings a deeper meaning to the Easter Sunday tune we repeat in our minds. As Dr. Charles Stanley stated, for us to live a Godly life, we must TRUST in the Lord; wholly and completely. 

I pray that in this new year, you set SMART goals and create practices that deepen your walk and faith in the Lord. I pray you TRUST in Him to guide your life. Take this year by storm! I will be praying with and for you.

Thomasena Thomas

Thomasena is the Owner, Operator, and Baker of FairyCakesSC, a company that she started when she was in high school. She also competed for the Miss South Carolina Pageant in 2017. She fell in love with baking from watching her mother bake, and being born into an entrepreneurial family attributed to her starting her business. A certified culinary chef, along with her baking skills, enabled Thomasena to become the recipient of the Disney Dreamers Academy, sponsored by Steve Harvey and Essence Magazine.

Turn Off A Person’s Voice And Look At Their Countenance


Good v Bad; Anger v Moving On