Turn Off A Person’s Voice And Look At Their Countenance
According to Merriam-Webster, countenance means: face or visage, especially: the face as an indication of mood, emotion, or character. In this new year of the roaring twenties discernment is key. From a Christian perspective, the spirit of discernment is a powerful spirit and I’m sure other faiths teach wisdom on this.
According to Merriam-Webster, discern means to: detect with eyes, to detect with senses other than vision, to understand the difference, to know or recognize mentally.
We as humans can only see one side of something or someone. Now, we’re not supposed to walk through life with cynicism, looking at people through a lens of total mistrust and gloom. But, God has given us keys to live a successful life, a victorious life, and part of obtaining this is having wisdom, which is ultimately grounded in discernment. We should approach every new situation and every new person we meet with love, acceptance and no judgement, but have up a high wall of focusing on their countenance and tapping into power of discernment before letting them into our hearts and our lives.
When we turn off voices and look at moods, emotions, and character we can learn a lot. Yes, we should listen to what people are saying and not saying but too much talking can blind us.
“When you look at a person’s countenance without being influenced by their words, there’s something about their countenance that carries their essence.
Countenance can often be seen as “our gut.” I have misunderstood people, I have judged, I have missed opportunities, but my gut has never failed me. And sometimes, when I don’t listen to my gut I have caused self-made suffering.
How people treat us how they feel about us so don’t ignore it. When our gut is saying walk away from this person this opportunity, walk away. WALK AWAY DOES NOT MEAN WALK TO- turn and run. It doesn’t matter how hot the person is, how much money they have, who they are connected to, what they did for you- if their countenance is showing abuse, mishandling you, using you or others, corrupt, bribery, lying, stealing, cheating, lack of respect then run!
When we ignore our gut (aka discernment) we are often partnering with headaches and not blessings, stresses and not prosperity. Life is too short for another headache but often times we don’t want to listen to our gut or other loving sound reason. And sometimes, if we won’t listen to God (Holy Spirit’s promptings on people and situations) then sometimes He will someone else to speak to you like a friend, and if we won’t listen to them He’ll send a stranger (someone we’ve just met or even a YouTube video even).
Because we can only see one or a few sides of something or someone, we must trust that our all-knowing Father God, Who can see totally all sides of that love interest, that job, that business proposal, or that house that you’re thinking to buy, that the countenance of the situation/person (and our gut) will speak to our spirit if this is a good thing or not, as we turn down voices and look at the essence of what’s before us.
Let’s let 2021 be a year where we listen to our gut, to discernment and to sound to wisdom so that we can have lesser self-made problems and more blessings and prosperity.