A Father Daughter Moment
Read today’s Friday Post, on an incredible Father-daughter story of a woman who was committing adultery but she met God, Who didn’t meet her with condemnation but gently addressed her sin.
If You Follow Him, They Will Follow You
A lot of times we can get caught up in wanting people to follow us- our ideas, blogs, articles, social media accounts, style, etc- says Seele Editor, Ally. But these are all carnal things. I’m not saying people don’t have good ideas or style, but they are still carnal. People are already looking at us and we don’t often realize it because they aren’t telling us. If we follow HIM, then it may lead people to follow HIM as well.
God the Father
Each Person of the Godhead has His own unique role and this week I aim with my human mind to briefly unwrap "God the Father"- one of the Persons of the Godhead and how He is our ultimate Father and that our relationship with our earthly fathers mirrors our relationship with God the Father and how we see Him.