Encounter God’s Heart- When You’re Tempted
Brian Simmons and Gretchen Rodriguez unpack what it means to endure and get through temptation. No matter the weight of the temptation, God always provides a way out.
What Is Really Truth?
Oftentimes in life, something will seem like the truth because it appears that one or so many others can do what God can do. It took 10 plagues before the Egyptian king realized that Moses God is God. Enjoy today’s Friday Post on “What is truth?”
From The Egyptian Palace To The Desert Of Midian, How God Refined Moses During His Forty Years In The Desert Of Obscurity
There’s a scene in the 1956 film The Ten Commandments, starring Charlton Heston and Yul Brynner that signifies how God’s plans usually don’t involve glamor and fame- but if they do, God will use whatever He wills to bring about his perfect plans.
What Paul and Barnabas’ Relationship Breakdown Can Tell Us About Our Own Relationship Breakdowns in the Church
We don’t know too much about Barnabas, born Joseph, but he was a Cypriot Jew from the tribe of Levi who grew up in Cypress, and it’s because of him that many new churches in first century were established.
Going to Church Every Week Should Not Be an Option- Even If You’ve Been Offended February 7, 2020
People get offended and leave churches for all kinds of reasons- the pastor didn’t like their feedback, no one from the church called to check on them, no one befriended or greeted them, someone didn’t like their clothing style, the church has taken a stance and condemned an issue- like a social issue they are in favor of, or, church leadership wouldn’t allow them to bring their blueberry pie to the church picnic. Seele Chief Editor, Ally shares some thoughts on how, despite your church experience- church- should be a place you’re going to weekly.
Everything You Need to Know About Mary, the Mama of Jesus
One of the most fascinating women of the ages, Mary the mother of Jesus was a humble girl from the tiny town of Nazareth. Giving birth to Jesus around the age of 13/14, she would carry a burden, a beautiful burden, but a heavy burden the rest of her life. ‘The rare moment- accounts of conversations between Jesus and His mother that we find in the Gospels are laden with love and riddled with pain.’ A relatable woman to us all, SEELE’s last Friday Post of 2019 highlights a woman whose life was forever changed when Gabriel met her with news. And her unwavering devotion to her Son’s mission is a reminder of the true reason of the season.
The Feeding of the 5,000 is More Than Just Feeding 5,000 People…
We all know the miraculous account of Jesus feeding the 5,000 but there’s some real nuggets of gold here that you may not have realized. This miracle is more than just some miraculous account in the Bible. It’s a fulfillment of Old Testament promises, it solidifies Jesus as God and Lord, and we see God’s heart for people. Read more to find out the significance of Mark's account of Jesus feeding 5,000.
The Power of a Question: Conversations With Satan – Jesus and Satan
Through the power of questions, Satan seeks to get us off track by thwarting our thinking that God isn’t Who He says He is. He did this with Jesus, to tempt Him in the wilderness.
The Power of a Question: Conversations With Satan – Job In the Middle
Through the power of questions, Satan seeks to get us off track by thwarting our thinking that God isn’t Who He says He is. He did this with God, over an important figure in the Bible- Job.
God is Not a Chauffeur
Oftentimes we think that God is a chauffeur, and that it’s His job to drive us around from blessing to blessing. Seele Editor, Ally point out that this is not God’s job. Vision and execution to receive that blessing takes faith, work, the right motive, effort, tenacity, humility, and patience.
God Always Provides
If God has called you to do something in life- move to a new city, start an initiative, become a freelancer, take a class- whatever it is, it is His responsibility to provide for you. Seele editor, Ally paints a picture on God always providing.
Samson's Hair
I’ve always found the story of Samson intriguing, but I must admit, I’ve always had a hard time fully understanding its significance. We all know that Samson was a strong guy and judge for Israel, that his strength came from his hair, and that he died defeating the Philistines. But, what does all that really mean and why should we care?
Have You Ever Thought…
Have you ever caught yourself thinking, “there are so many religions, who’s right and who’s wrong?” Or have you ever asked yourself, “because there are 40,000 Christian denominations, who is right and who is wrong?”
From the Penthouse, to Prison, Back to the Penthouse and Then Some
Seele editor, Ally Portee sheds light on Joseph in the Old Testament’s journey from the penthouse, to prison and back to the penthouse again. Before Joseph was born, God had a mighty plan for his life, a destiny for him to save his nation (the Israelites) and another nation (Egypt) from starvation. But pride and arrogance in the penthouse let him to prison, and after 13 years of God working in his life, Joseph moved back to the penthouse.
Putting It on the Table
Seele's editor points out that it’s so easy for us to put our brokenness, our baggage, and our issues on the table. In order to be transformed to the likeness of Jesus, there will be moments where God will back a person into a corner, so to say, in hopes that the person will put their brokenness, their baggage, and their issues on the table to be sorted. Happy Friday!
Do You Love Me?
Have you ever wondered why Jesus asked Peter 3 times, "do you love me?" There's a reason for that. Seele’s Editor explains why.
The Seventh Man
This Friday, Seele's Editor goes into the real-life story of the Samaritan Woman at the well and uncovers 3 "depths" when she met the "Seventh Man."
When Everything or Everyone that Challenges You Isn’t Removed- Obedience
Last week we looked at when God doesn’t remove everyone and everything that challenges you, through the lens of Judges 3:3. God knows what He’s doing with His children, and He knows how best to raise us and grow us as people. One reason He let other nations stay in the Promise Land was to test them, to see if they would be obedient to Him.This week we'll look at the importance of obedience.
When Everything or Everyone that Challenges You Isn’t Removed
The Israelites from the time of their exit from Egypt to the death of Joshua knew oppression, they knew warfare, but, they also knew the importance of trusting and obeying God. God allowed other nations of people to live among the Israelites in the Promise Land. He didn’t wipe these various nations all out for 2 reasons: 1- So that that generation of Israelites would know how to fight… 2- To test them, to see if they would be obedient to Him. This week we’ll look at reason 1 and next week we’ll look at reason 2.