The Best Work Advice I Ever Got from My Dad- Dress the Part for Your Job
Seele contributor, Shefali Karani shares the best workplace dress advice that she got was from her father. “This wisdom helped me realize that dressing the part for your job makes a huge difference and can even help you on your way to a successful career path,” she says.
Seele's edtor, Ally shares that, "it’s when times are really hard that we’re refined and that God does His best redemptive work."
The Power of a Question: Conversations With Satan – Job In the Middle
Through the power of questions, Satan seeks to get us off track by thwarting our thinking that God isn’t Who He says He is. He did this with God, over an important figure in the Bible- Job.
What's In Your Hand- Your Job
To whom much is given, much is required, and that includes our jobs. Last week I wrote about family and how various members of our family are gifts from God, placed in our hands for a reason. This week I will talk about jobs and working hard.