

I’ve been there and you’ve been there. Someone you know and care for (a friend or family member) is in a conflict with someone else, and you so badly want to intervene. You want to come to the aid of the person you care for by explaining to the person they’re in conflict with where they may be at fault or where they may be misunderstanding your friend.


Praise is the Antidote to S.T.R.E.S.S

Christians know that the word stress shouldn’t be in our vocabulary. But, what do we do in those situations in life where anxiety and stress are running at us with full force and they seem to catch us? There’s only so much a human can take in trying to center one’s mind on Scripture but stress seems to still ensue. Seele editor, Ally offers some thoughts.

Praise is the Antidote to S.T.R.E.S.S

On Trial- Fruit of the Spirit

If you were on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? We can get so consumed with the deeper questions of our faith or simply get too busy to think about this question, and forget the basics of whether we're actually living and looking like a Christian. This week I will look at the topic of Fruit of the Spirit. If you were on trial for being a Christian, would the evidence show that the Fruit of the Spirit are overflowing and spilling out of you?

On Trial- Fruit of the Spirit