Give Thanks For Uncomfortable Situations
It’s the not fun moments in life that can define us for the better.
Confront Thyself: Silent F.E.A.R
Last week we looked at jealousy, today the topic of fear is on the table. When we let fear hold us back from doing what God has called us to do, we are indeed holding ourselves back from God’s purposes for our lives. Here are a few ways to think about fear.
Two Ways of Overcoming a Hope Deferred Heart
Hope deferred really makes the heart sick, and Seele’s Editor shares two ways of thinking about and processing through the receiving of news that you’ve been waiting to work in your favor but doesn’t
Unblock It
From Steven Furtick- Is your lack of belief blocking God from moving in your life? If you will remove the block then you can receive the blessing. Are you ready to unblock it?
Impacting Culture With Titus as the Guide
I’m sure you’ve heard this line, as Christians we should be in the world and not of it. Well, that’s what the book of Titus is about. It’s about impacting our culture and communities, being in them, but not of them…
Pure Influence and Affluence Comes from God
In this day everyone is a journalist with their blogs, and everyone seems to be an influencer with their social media accounts. Media is allowing up to stay connected and see what our counterparts around the world are doing. In this social media age, it seems as if we’re all trying to exalt ourselves. I’m not anti-social media. There are many positive aspects of it. Nor am I anti influencer or anti- affluence. God has blessed various people with influence and affluence, and has exalted certain people above others…
Refocus… Think Relationship
*This post is taken from Sarah Young’s, Jesus Calling devotional.
Through No Effort of Your Own
This post is taken from Sarah Young’s, Jesus Calling devotional.
See It To Believe It
As we approach 2017, if we ask God for a sensitivity to see His work in our lives, we will experience some “seeing is believing” moments. We will see Him work in such a way in our lives and the lives of others, where He will remind us of the truth of His presence, His awesomeness and His love.
The Small Things Are Actually Big Things
Even if it’s a season where we feel like everything is going wrong, God showers graces. We can lose sight of these graces because we’re already feeling so down. But, if we look with our spiritual eyes we will see the Father’s love and that He is with us.
Sharing in His Sufferings
Our walk with God boils down to trust- trusting Him with our lives, our loves, our desires, and our sufferings. There are sufferings in this world that are only unique to Christians as followers of Jesus, and there are sufferings that are directly correlated to our appointed gifts that God has called certain people to fill.
Personal Mission Statement- Dying to Self to Help Others
We’ve all been called to serve. Jesus came for people, to save us and to heal us. That’s what His ministry was about: people.
A personal mission statement that does not include a mission and aim to uplift others, and to put them before ourselves is a personal mission statement that is weak and lagging character.
Personal Mission Statement- Refined Character
If people realize with their hearts and minds that they are (or can be) powerful people of God, then they walk forward with their dreams and desires with more boldness. But we often need a refiners fire (challenges that try us) to light us up so that we can come out as pure gold.
Personal Mission Statement- Mentally Prepared
It’s important in life that we be mentally fit for all sorts of situations- to be fit to take on sin and fight the flesh, and to be mentally fit to fight life’s giants. When we’re mentally prepared it shows that we also have great faith in God. And it’s also a big part of knowing who we are so that we can have a stellar personal mission statement.
Personal Mission Statement- Spitting Image
Who we are a spitting image of shows what’s really going on inside our hearts [our root system]. By heart I mean our emotions, the thing(s) that drives us, the thing(s) that propels us to act or not act, our love for something, the good we do, the evil we do- if we forgive, if we hate, if we surrender our lives to God, if we’re jealous towards other, etc.
Personal Mission Statement- A Line in the Sand
There comes a time in life where we have to draw a line in the sand between what has burdened us or once defined us in the past, from, where we’re trying to get to. We can’t move forward if we’re still trying to hold onto the past.
Personal Mission Statement- Do You Really Know Who You Are?
What people know of themselves comes from what they have been told of themselves, and sometimes what they have been told is worldly poor advice. Do you know who you are and what wonderful things you can do in the world- outside of what people are telling you about yourself?