Friday Posts k Ally Portee Friday Posts k Ally Portee

Living From A Place Of Purpose

For today's Friday Post, SEELE’s Editor Ally, shares a challenging question: "Are you living from a place of purpose?" The most fulfilling life is when we choose to live from the purpose that God has called us to live and Ally points out how important this question was for Jesus and how important it us from us.

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God’s Purpose for Marriage- And They Shall Become One Flesh

Marriage is a beautiful institution created by God for a man and a woman. “Two shall become one flesh,” what does this mean? When you marry, the two become one flesh. Either person is no longer single and should not be living a single life, but a life with one Spirit, physical intimacy, same goals, and a united mindset for a healthy home. No home is perfect but it should be healthy. Both people should be entering a marriage with 100% (not this 50% stuff) but 100% and whole, this is the mindset, the foundation to build on the unity of a healthy home with a strong vision

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