The Pain Of Change
Keabetswe Chakela reminds us that in the midst of change, we are to keep our eyes on Jesus.
Save Well, 3 Ways to Save this Holiday Season
SEELE contributor Shefali Karani shares 3 best ways to save money this Christmas season.
Loving Our Neighbors In A World Of Climate Change
“Action to care for the planet and to protect the climate requires actions from everyone. As Christians, we are called to love God, love our neighbors and to care for the Earth and as such, we can not only be involved in, but lead the way on climate action,” writes SEELE Contributor Monica Tang.
The Promises of God are YES
SEELE contributor CB Chakela unpacks that when God says yes, His promises are a yes.
A Sense of Style: What to Wear Whether Working From Home or From the Office
“Having a good sense of style doesn’t mean that you must wear something super dressy or laid-back. You just need to figure out what outfit works best in each situation,” says SEELE contributor Shefali Karani.
Being Strong: Strength Isn’t Just a Masculine Quality But Feminine Too
“Strength isn’t just a masculine quality but feminine too,” says SEELE contributor Shefali Karani.
Achieving A Work-Life Balance
Keabetswe shares that a “work life balance,” is not what you may think it is, but rather, finding a balance with self.
Starting Anew: Feel Renewed and Refreshed
In the busyness of starting anew, SEELE contributor Shefali Karani writes on how it’s possible to slow down.
Starting Over, It’s Not Too Late
KB Chakela opens us about when something fails, how it leads to disappointment, and how to keep going.
Traveling in Style: Be Stylish & Comfy at the Same Time
Shefali Karani shares how it’s possible to be stylish and comfortable at the same time.
Beauty From Within: Accepting the Way That We Look Like Right Now
Shefali Karani shares how we should accept ourselves.
Socially Connected: Reality Versus Our Online Presence
Shefali Karani unpacks on why being at peace with your online presence is important.
The New Comfort Zone: 2 Pieces That Always Work
Shefali Karani shares two outfit pieces that always work.
Joy to Overcome Anxiety
“We have all had suicidal thoughts, thoughts of depression, moments of deep sadness and times of anxiety that seem to last longer than we would admit,” writes SEELE contributor Keabetswe. She unpacks how Jesus also felt sadness but that with joy rooted in God, He was able to overcome. It’s a message that we too can overcome.
April 2022: Earth Day and Renewing Creation
“April is a month where we mark two important days to celebrate and appreciate God’s creation - Earth Day (April 22) and Good Seed Sunday (fourth Sunday of April). Both days are opportunities for us as Jesus followers to remember God’s love for creation and our connection to creation,” says SEELE contributor Monica Tang.
The Greatest Joys: It’s the Special Moments That Count
“The pandemic has taught me that joy comes from the special moments in life, whether it’s meeting some friends for dinner, catching up with family, or even just dressing up for an occasion,” writes SEELE contributor Shefali Karani.
Biblical Womanhood And The Media
SEELE contributor Keabetswe Chakela opens up about how Biblical womanhood is often at odds with the world, but how it’s in line with the Word of God.
Be Kind: It’s More than Just a State of Mind
SEELE contributor Shefali shares how being kind is more than just a state of mind.
Focus on God, Don’t Date for Dating Sake
"During the month of Valentines, many single believers who are patiently waiting on the Lord for their spouse are conflicted about the wait," says SEELE contributor Keabetswe Chakela. She reminds to not date just to date, but to pray and wait on God for the Kingdom spouse He has for His children.
Pandemic Days- Embracing Life as It Is
Seele contributor Shefali Karani reminds that during this Valentine's week, while in the midst of a pandemic, " we don't have to feel upset about having a bad day, not dressing up, or not having much energy."