Did You Pack Right?
In today's Friday Post, SEELE editor Ally, poses the idea of packing for a trip and paralleling it with having the necessary spiritual packing materials for eternal life.
Acting in Spirit
Seele contributor, Ben Mack reminds us on the importance of acting in Spirit and not ignoring God's calling. Looking at the example of Jonah, who ignored God's command to go to Nineveh and instead went to Tarshish because he thought that was the right thing to do- we see that obeying God is important for a smooth life. And getting swallowed by a whale was no fun for Jonah either.
How’s Your Soul?- Spiritual Life
Making time for God in the busyness of this 2017 plugged in, tech, selfish, gotta get it all world can be a challenge, where Jesus is left in the dust and He’s not even a priority. We often have to fight for time with God.