Why Hannah’s Story of Waiting And Her Lack Of Retaliation Is Key For Us in 2021
Have you ever wanted something so bad you ache for it? And even when you get to the point where you accept not having it, you find yourself to right back at that aching desire of wanting it?
I think we can all relate. March is women’s history month and I want to highlight women for the next three weeks that point us to Biblical womanhood. In a time where there’s so much noise from the world on how women should look, act, and behave, I find that because the Bible has the answers to all my questions, if I just quiet myself before Holy Spirit, He will point me to examples of women from the Bible, as well as answer questions on how a woman of God is to look like, from Godly women that have gone before me.
Today we look at one aspect of Hannah, from 1 Samuel. She was a Jewish woman who relied heavily upon God to have a baby. I don’t think men understand how much women can desire to be moms. It’s like we’ve been ready since we were toddlers, pushing around our baby dolls in mini strollers. Not all women desire to be mom, and some women aren’t biological mothers, but spiritual mothers to many. But Hannah deeply desired just to have one baby at least. She was married to a Zuphite man from Ephraim, named Elkanah. He had a second wife, Peninnah, who had several children with Elkanah. But, Hannah was unable to conceive because God has closed her womb (v. 6), as he had done to Sarah in Genesis.
And the part that I want to focus on is that when Peninnah would make fun of Hannah for not being able to have a baby, she didn’t start anything with the woman, she didn’t fight back or yell at her- though she had the right to, but she took her pain to God. The Bible does also note that Hannah would stop eating. Her mental and physical health were being attacked by her husband’s other wife and from not being able to conceive. And, her husband didn’t understand her desire to be a mom, because he asked her, ““Hannah, why are you weeping? Why don’t you eat? Why are you downhearted? Don’t I mean more to you than ten sons?” (v. 8).
Every time I read this I yell out, “no Elkanah, you can’t replace her having 10 sons!” This man already had many other kids with Peninnah so it’s as if he expected Hannah to be content. If it was God’s will that she not be a mom then she should find contentment in that, though it is hard. But, Elkanah just didn’t get it.
As her mental health was being attacked, Hannah didn’t argue with Peninnah or ask God to hurt her- or close her womb. She simply took her pain to God. “This went on year after year. Whenever Hannah went up to the house of the Lord, her rival provoked her till she wept and would not eat” (v. 7).
And this is the practical life application for us all, for men and women that in our waiting that can be so agonizing, when our mental and physical health is being attacked, that we go to the Lord our God.
I’m reminded of David, after he destroyed the Amalekites, some Amalekites found David and his soldiers’ wives and took them captive. David’s men talked of killing him and he took his worry and pain to His God and he found strength in Him alone.
“David was greatly distressed because the men were talking of stoning him; each one was bitter in spirit because of his sons and daughters. But David found strength in the Lord his God. ”
You see, in the waiting and in still believing God for what we so desperately want- a Godly marriage, children, a job, a house, to start a business, healing- we won’t endure through the waiting process if we don’t turn to God. People will ridicule and make fun like Peninnah. The devil will also attack our thinking. Rejection will attack our thinking. But God is our one true constant and antidote to in the waiting process when we choose to turn to him only without a word to the naysayers.
God ultimately heard Hannah’s prayer and she had a son, Samuel, who she dedicated to God and then God went on to bless her with more children. Hannah is our model on how to handle the waiting seasons and the naysayers, she is our reminder- and David too to find strength in the Lord our God.