Your Daddy Has You
This week Holy Spirit spoke to my heart and reminded me that God is my ezer kenegdo, and that He, my Daddy, has got me in His hands- just like the father in this photo.
God is a fierce protector of His daughters and sons and He always comes through even when it doesn’t feel like it. He reminded me that there are seasons that He guides His children in the wilderness, and these seasons may last for years, and though they feel endless, He still has us in His hands. This is why it is imperative to discern the season we’re in because for seasons that last years, they will be unbearable when we’re looking for them to last weeks or a few months.
Holy Spirit reminded me on Wednesday that God is my ‘ezer’ this Hebrew for “strength and power,” but the word means “help.” Ezer is used 21 times in the Old Testament and it’s used to describe God. He is our ever-present help in times of need (Psalm 46:1)
When we allow God to choose our marriage partner, they are our ezer and we theirs. Eve in Genesis is called Adam’s ezer kenegdo, his strength who comes through for him in all situations, and vice versa. This is Godly marriage.
But God for us, in our individual relationship with God, He is our ezer. And He always comes through for us in times of need. He is a faithful Papa, my best friend, my wisdom, my corrector, my salvation, my ezer kenegdo, my provider, my protector, my guide. And as I continue to look at HIM with childlike wonder trusting that He has me, I choose to position myself from a place making Him my everything, and He gets my everything, because He gave/gives me His everything.
As you walk through life, do you have faith that your Daddy really has you in your hands?