Eve, the Special Helper with a Special Purpose
March has been “All About Eve” for Seele. We’ve looked at the first woman over a period of 6 weeks from 6 different angles. We're going to finish out this series on Eve by throwing a wrench in yet another way of how you may have never thought of her. This week we will look at Eve: A Special Helper with a Special Purpose.
Eve, the Completion of Relationship
Seele Editor-In-Chief, Ally Portee continues with the month of Eve. March is the month of Eve, a month where Seele is looking at the first woman from 6 angles, over a period of 6 weeks. This week we will look at “Eve, the Completion of Relationship.” God is relationship, He is about relationships, and He created us to be in relationship. He created us to share in a relationship with Him, to not be independent, but dependent, in the sense that relationship (what He is with Himself) would play out in the lives of humans.
Eve, the First to Hear About Jesus
Though she made a mistake, God still showed His love and grace to Eve by sharing a key prophecy. God still spoke to Eve and He will still speak to His daughters through various ways, despite our mistakes. He has plans for us, the daughters of Eve.
Eve, the Strength and Power to Her Husband
It’s interesting that God didn’t bring Eve into Adam’s life until he was lonely and ready or it. When a man is ready for commitment and to love a woman, that’s when he will appreciate her. Before he’s ready, it’s most likely pointless to hope that he will commit to you. Women must understand this and not chase men who aren’t ready for commitment. Let a man chase you, not the other way round.
Eve: The First Dressmaker
Picking up from last week, after Adam and Eve let sin into the world, they felt shame and they were in a panic to cover themselves. When they sinned their eyes were opened and they felt shame, they felt regret for what they had done, so they felt they had to make something to cover themselves from the one who created them to know no shame.
Eve: A Unique Woman
She is known as the “mother of all who have life." And because of this, she is a part of us and she is unique. Eve was the first woman victim of Satan. He preyed on her for a reason and this weeks post will look at this in slight detail.
The Majestic Mystery of the Incarnation
For the next 2 Fridays I will be posting directly from the Jesus Calling devotional, like I do every year. I use the last three weeks of December to take a slight break from Seele to refuel and quiet myself from the year and the holiday rush. The voice that Sarah Young, the writer of each devotional, is writing in is the voice our Triune God- as if he is sitting across the table speaking directly to you.
Rams Don't Go that High
If you’re waiting on God for provision, at the right time God will bring your ram. You don’t have to sacrifice yourself, lower yourself, or try to bring it in your own power.
Shifting from a Greek Mindset to a Hebrew Mindset
God is always moving and changing situations in our lives, and growing us. He wants to take us to new levels, but He won’t do all the work. We too have to do our part and shift from a Greek mindset to a Hebrew mindset.
God as the Holy Spirit
Each Person of the Godhead has His own unique role. And in Jesus’ prayer in John 17 we see the glory of all parts of the Godhead. There are places in the Bible where God describes Himself in motherly terms.
God the Son: Mirroring Relationships
Our triune God is mighty. It can be challenging to wrap our heads around this idea of the Godhead, that God is 3 in 1. Each Person of the Godhead has His own unique role and is in relationship with the Other, and this week I aim to show how God the Son and our relationship with Him mirrors our relationship with our fellow man.
God the Father
Each Person of the Godhead has His own unique role and this week I aim with my human mind to briefly unwrap "God the Father"- one of the Persons of the Godhead and how He is our ultimate Father and that our relationship with our earthly fathers mirrors our relationship with God the Father and how we see Him.
His Triune Glory
In John 17 we are reminded that Jesus prayed for us right before His unfair trial and crucifixion. In fact, He prayed for Himself, His disciples, and for all believers to come. For the next three weeks I want to cover our triune God in relation to earthly relationships.
It’s Not That He’s Mean, It’s Just That He Can’t Lie
I, you, we have encountered people who see God of the Old Testament as being a mean, murdering, and harsh God. And sure, I can understand where they’re coming from, especially if they haven’t read the whole Bible in context, with historical and linguistic analysis.
It’s not that God is mean, a murderer, and harsh. He cannot lie.