The Awesome Gift of Friendship
We were not made to be alone. God is relational, He is surrounded by angels, His son, and whatever other heavenly beings that are in the heavenly realms.
Manipulation and Impatience
Manipulation, whether it comes from a man or woman is rooted in selfishness.
Come Alive
What the world needs is for people- men, women, and youths - to come alive. I can imagine that God is searching the earth, looking for His children to wake up and come alive- to go out with confidence and use the skills and talents that He has given us to make a difference in this world.
Women- Not the Problem, but the Solution
I was listening to a message by Lisa Bevere once and she funnily but seriously stated that when she was in her 20s she hated girls- all the jealousy, competitiveness, lack of supporting one another, and gossiping that girls are known for.
Sex, Drugs, and Rock n' Roll
In order to understand the purpose for sex, one has to understand firstly why God made man. Then secondly, one has to understand why men are made to have a relationship with God and know their identities in Christ before marriage. Then thirdly, you move onto understanding what marriage is.
Nixon, Hitler, and Saul
We’ve all felt insecure at moments in our lives- some overthink people and their actions, some close themselves off to community because they’ve lost trust and faith in people, some don’t want friend groups mixing for fear of their friends becoming friends, and so on.
Commitment Phobia
Millenials struggle with commitment of all kinds- job, church, brand loyalty... and especially relationships. Likely you have been either on the giving or receiving end of fear of commitment in a relationship. This manifests itself in several ways.
Mental Illness
The global cost of mental illness is estimated at nearly $2.5 trillion, with a projected increase to over $6 trillion. To put this in another perspective- the entire overseas development aid over the past 20 years is less than $2.3 trillion
The Germans have a unique term called: kopfkino. Kopf = Head, Kino= Cinema According to Urban Dictionary, Kopfkino is “when you involuntarily use your imagination to think of troubling or disgusting things in graphic detail.” Basically, it's when you let your imagination run wild.
Die to Self
We focus on how we’ve been hurt- it’s their fault, it’s their problem- and we don’t seek to die to self, to talk it out, forgive, apologize, and move on in peace.
Friday Fuel
This life is not a dress rehearsal and so the next 364 days will be the real thing- the live show. We have 364 days to let God do something new in us- to help others.