Friday Posts a Ally Portee Friday Posts a Ally Portee

Sex, Drugs, and Rock n' Roll

In order to understand the purpose for sex, one has to understand firstly why God made man. Then secondly, one has to understand why men are made to have a relationship with God and know their identities in Christ before marriage. Then thirdly, you move onto understanding what marriage is. 

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Friday Posts a Ally Portee Friday Posts a Ally Portee


The Germans have a unique term called: kopfkino. Kopf = Head, Kino= Cinema According to Urban Dictionary, Kopfkino is “when you involuntarily use your imagination to think of troubling or disgusting things in graphic detail.” Basically, it's when you let your imagination run wild.

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Friday Posts a Ally Portee Friday Posts a Ally Portee

Die to Self

We focus on how we’ve been hurt- it’s their fault, it’s their problem- and we don’t seek to die to self, to talk it out, forgive, apologize, and move on in peace.

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