Trust, With Every Fiber of Your Being
For the past 2 Fridays I have been posting directly from the Jesus Calling devotional, like I do every year. I use the last three weeks of December to take a slight break from Seele to refuel and quiet myself from the year and the holiday rush. The voice that Sarah Young, the writer of each devotional, is writing in is the voice our Triune God- as if he is sitting across the table speaking directly to you.
The Majestic Mystery of the Incarnation
For the next 2 Fridays I will be posting directly from the Jesus Calling devotional, like I do every year. I use the last three weeks of December to take a slight break from Seele to refuel and quiet myself from the year and the holiday rush. The voice that Sarah Young, the writer of each devotional, is writing in is the voice our Triune God- as if he is sitting across the table speaking directly to you.
Be Still and Tune In
For the next 3 Fridays I will be posting directly from the Jesus Calling devotional, like I do every year. I use the last three weeks of December to take a slight break from Seele to refuel and quiet myself from the year and the holiday rush. The voice that Sarah Young, the writer of each devotional, is writing in is the voice our Triune God- as if he is sitting across the table speaking directly to you.
Building Up Evidence Against Yourself
It’s amazing how God gives us free will and if we wish it, He will back away and let us do life ourselves. He’s a smart parent. He has been parenting for thousands of years, and so, He knows what He’s doing with people.
On Trial- How Many are you Snatching?
I have been writing on the topic of: "If you were on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?" We can get so consumed with the deeper questions of our faith, or simply get too busy to think about this question, and forget the basics of whether we're actually living and looking like a Christian. The topics covered in this series are: Relationship With God | Fruit of the Spirit | Orphans, Widows, Foreigners | Justice, Mercy, Walking Humbly. This is the final week in the series and I will look at topic of: "how many are you snatching from the fire?"
On Trial- Justice, Mercy, Walking Humbly
If you were on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? We can get so consumed with the deeper questions of our faith, or simply get too busy to think about this question, and forget the basics of whether we're actually living and looking like a Christian. This week I will look at three simple things God requires of us. These three things are examples of the evidence of what a Christian should look like.
On Trial: Orphans, Widows and Foreigners
If you were on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? We can get so consumed with the deeper questions of our faith, or simply get too busy to think about this question, and forget the basics of whether we're actually living and looking like a Christian. This week I will look at the topic of “religion that God accepts.”
On Trial- Fruit of the Spirit
If you were on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? We can get so consumed with the deeper questions of our faith or simply get too busy to think about this question, and forget the basics of whether we're actually living and looking like a Christian. This week I will look at the topic of Fruit of the Spirit. If you were on trial for being a Christian, would the evidence show that the Fruit of the Spirit are overflowing and spilling out of you?
On Trial- Relationship With God
If you were on trial for being a Christian, would there be any evidence that you daily walk, talk and commune with your Creator? Do you know Him and do you allow Him to know you?
The Danger of Giving Up Too Soon
The fruit that are mentioned in Galatians 5 show that these attributes are attributes of God’s character. And He wants to see Himself in us. And just as He is patient with us, we must be patient with Him and with others.
How to win the attack that's against you right now
This week's Friday post will be a little different. It's an 8 minute encouraging video from a sermon by TD Jakes on overcoming a spiritual attack.
Rams Don't Go that High
If you’re waiting on God for provision, at the right time God will bring your ram. You don’t have to sacrifice yourself, lower yourself, or try to bring it in your own power.
Shifting from a Greek Mindset to a Hebrew Mindset
God is always moving and changing situations in our lives, and growing us. He wants to take us to new levels, but He won’t do all the work. We too have to do our part and shift from a Greek mindset to a Hebrew mindset.
Making Treaties Without God, Part II
The Abraham, Sarah and Hagar story is another Bible account of self-made problems.
God as the Holy Spirit
Each Person of the Godhead has His own unique role. And in Jesus’ prayer in John 17 we see the glory of all parts of the Godhead. There are places in the Bible where God describes Himself in motherly terms.
God the Son: Mirroring Relationships
Our triune God is mighty. It can be challenging to wrap our heads around this idea of the Godhead, that God is 3 in 1. Each Person of the Godhead has His own unique role and is in relationship with the Other, and this week I aim to show how God the Son and our relationship with Him mirrors our relationship with our fellow man.
God the Father
Each Person of the Godhead has His own unique role and this week I aim with my human mind to briefly unwrap "God the Father"- one of the Persons of the Godhead and how He is our ultimate Father and that our relationship with our earthly fathers mirrors our relationship with God the Father and how we see Him.
His Triune Glory
In John 17 we are reminded that Jesus prayed for us right before His unfair trial and crucifixion. In fact, He prayed for Himself, His disciples, and for all believers to come. For the next three weeks I want to cover our triune God in relation to earthly relationships.