Why Are So Many of Us Afraid?

From Brexit blunders to Trump tweets, it is no secret that our society at large finds itself in a time of uncertainty and insecurity. But with the added dimension of social media and the ongoing pressure to perform faced by young people today, the anxiety epidemic amongst the younger demographics is at an all-time high. Take a simple scroll through social media and you’ll see countless young people ‘living their best lives’. And yet, behind the #nofilter ‘authenticity’ of their news feeds, Anxiety UK suggests as many as one in six young people will experience an anxiety condition at some point in their lives.

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Don’t Just Be a Good King, Destroy the Idols

The kings of Israel and Judah were a mixture of good and bad kings. Bad, meaning that they did evil things and strayed away from God. One mark of a good king is that he would hold the kingdom to accountability when it came to what his people worshiped. Quite simply, he got rid of idols- foreign altars and pagan shrines. Our God takes an invested interested in our lives, and he only wants us serving him because there is a freedom and joy when as Paul states, we are only a “bondservant” to Christ. So, if you have an idol in your life (an addiction, a bad habit, an activity that consumes you- any sin) make a concerted effort to lay it at the foot of the cross and be free from it.

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Cedric Stout Embracing Two Ethnicities, Passion, and Faith

A YouTuber, a photographer, a music producer, a Korean-American, and a Christian, Cedric is now living in Seoul, South Korea. He grew up in the United States but wanted to experience living in the land of his mother. Cedric talks about growing up between two cultures, but feeling equally apart of both. And, he talks faith, photography, and his calling.

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The Ingredients for A Miracle Are Always in Our Possession

We’ve all been there, where we’ve come to the end of our rope and the clock has struck 12 midnight and we need a miracle. That could be a financial miracle, a job, physical healing, a place to live that’s in your budget, or a spiritual breakthrough.

But, in the midst of you really needing a miracle, have you ever thought that you already have the miracle you’re needing in your possession? While it’s God Who opens doors in our lives and brings breakthrough/miracles, He is often looking for us to have faith, prayer, hope and gusto. When we do our part, He will step in and do what we cannot.

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Acting in Spirit

Seele contributor, Ben Mack reminds us on the importance of acting in Spirit and not ignoring God's calling. Looking at the example of Jonah, who ignored God's command to go to Nineveh and instead went to Tarshish because he thought that was the right thing to do- we see that obeying God is important for a smooth life. And getting swallowed by a whale was no fun for Jonah either.

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How to Deal with the Unloving and Unkind

We’ve all come across Bible verses about showing love and kindness to the unloving and the unkind. But, what do you do with these verses when someone in your life exhibiting unkindness towards you? It’s hard to show them kindness, it’s hard to show the love of Christ. Seele’s editor shares how to deal with the unloving and unkind.

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Our Early 20s Concept of “Calling” is a Prison

 I feel that the word “calling” is a word that gets bounced around in evangelical churches a lot. It’s a word that we get hit with time and time again when we look at interviews of those we look up to. I’ve even asked people in interviews, “how did you know you were called to be a singer, actor, etc?” But maybe you and I have been thinking about “calling” differently that doesn’t align with the Heavenly view of “calling.”

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