Book: You Are the Key

Caitlin was named among Oprah’s SuperSoul100 list of visionaries in 2016, and her jewelry has been featured on The Today Show, Ellen, Cosmopolitan, Harper’s Bazaar and many other media outlets. Her company, The Giving Keys jewelry has been carried in over 1,400 stores. The company has employed over 130 people transitioning out of homelessness at their warehouse in Los Angeles. You Are the Key is a message of hope for anyone who feels less-than about their work, worth, body or life.

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What Makes A Good Marriage? - Adrian and Rebecca's Story

For the month of May, SEELE will be focusing on the question: "What is God's Purpose for Marriage?" There is only a 50% success rate of marriages, and divorces are more common than ever. Today it's Adrian and Rebecca's story of what makes a good relationship and how God brought them together. In a couple months they will be married.

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Looking Back Nine Years Ago To The Wedding of The Duke And Duchess of Cambridge

Yesterday marked the 9th wedding anniversary of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. “I remember that day quite well because the night before I slept outside of Buckingham Palace to watch the members of the British Royal Family head to Westminster Abbey for the wedding,” says SEELE’s editor. Everyone who is married can tell you it’s not easy. It’s joyful and fulfilling but there are many rocky moments. But with words from their wedding homily, and in understanding God’s purpose for marriage, we can indeed have till death do you part marriages.

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Forgiving the Unforgivable: Joseph’s Story

Today is Joseph’s story, a Hebrew who at age 17 was sold into slavery in Egypt by his 10 brothers. Their first plot was to kill him but the oldest brother Ruben persuaded the other 9 brothers to sell Joseph instead. For 13 years he was enslaved and later imprisoned, after being lied on for rape charges by the wife of Potiphor. With two injustices done to Joseph before he was 30, he found the courage to forgive his brothers and the lie that was told on him by a desperate woman. He rose to become Egypt’s second most powerful man, paving the legacy of being seen as Egypt’s first Minister of Finance by the Egyptian people today. And, for preventing his people, the Hebrews from starving to death. Joseph’s story is one of unbelievable triumph.

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What I Gleaned From God Through Forgiveness

Seele contributor, Thomasena Thomas shares how the last month has been a whirlwind, as she has gone from the busyness of university to having to slow down and move back home. She writes, "my move back home turned into a restoration of the internal. My relationship with God changed when I moved back home." Facing the need to forgive, Thomasena shares what she has gleaned from God when it comes to having to forgive.

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Forgiving the Unforgivable- Dave Pelzer's Story

Today is Dave Pelzer’s story, an American who at age 12 was California’s worse domestic abuse cases. What he endured from age 2-12 by the hands of his mother is unthinkable and unforgivable. But somehow, he has been able to forgive his mom and his ministry focuses on propelling people to move past their past pains. Dave’s story is one of unbelievable triumph.

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Director and Producer Dallas Jenkins Talks His Latest Project, The Largest Crowd-Funded Multi-season Series On The Life of Jesus

The Chosen TV Series is the first-ever-multi-season TV show about the life of Jesus. Seele caught up with 20- year industry director and producer Dallas Jenkins, who directed and produced the project. Created outside of the Hollywood system, The Chosen allows us to see Jesus through the eyes of those who knew him.

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Book- The One: How to Know and Trust God's Sovereign Plan for Your Future Marriage

Mark Ballenger shares that God does have a plan for your future marriage and how you can know what that plan is. His book, “The One: How to Know and Trust God's Sovereign Plan for Your Future Marriage” answers 12 of the most commonly asked questions regarding God's will and Christian relationships. At the end of each chapter, five questions are also included for small group Bible studies or for personal reflection.

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Joan of Arc’s Faith Enabled Her To Do Hard Things

March has been about focusing on inspiring women from the Bible in a series called: “Bible Boss Babes.” Last week we looked at The Witch of En Dor a woman who we can learn something from. This week we’re looking at Joan of Arc, and though she is not in the Bible, Joan was an unwavering woman of faith, and it was this faith that enabled her to do hard things.

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God’s Call on Our Lives: The Beatitudes

Matthew 5 is a very powerful passage of scripture, it starts with the Sermon on the Mount, which is about the Beatitudes, then addresses the concept of being salt and light. Seele Contributor, Thomasena Thomas shares how God calls us as Christians to live a certain way. God wants us to be set apart from the rest of this world because we are not of this world, we are to be God's hands and feet here on earth. Heavy I know, but that’s what God calls us to do.

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The Witch of En Dor: Are You Deceiving Yourself?

Last week we looked at Deborah, Israel’s first female judge. This week, we’re looking at a woman who’s NOT Bible Boss Babe: The Witch of En Dor, but nevertheless a woman who we can learn something from. As you’re home during this Coronavirus time, may this post speak to you in some way.

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