New Year, New You: 1 Simple Way to Transform Yourself Now


If there’s one thing that everyone looks forward to at the start of a dazzling new year is the endless possibilities of transformation. Although the resolutions that you made may not be followed through or you might even feel like there’s no point to doing much because of the dismal situation (no one knows when the pandemic will end), and the constant uncertainty of everything may make us feel like we can’t do anything more than this, that’s all certainly not true. People still celebrated on New Year’s even if they were by themselves or with a select few others at home. This is proof that we won’t give up on ourselves so easily during such a horrible time. The one simple way to transform yourself right now is to focus only on yourself this year.

It might seem a bit selfish but with the work situation changing as well (the number of times meetings have changed last minute due to various reasons or having to work at odd hours and days is something others can relate to), we’ve become more flexible because of the pandemic by being able to take time out for ourselves if a work meeting or a social event doesn’t happen on a particular day or time. It’s so crucial to focus on ourselves right now because of this, otherwise we can burnout easily and not be able to cope with continuing to work from home or working in an office environment with many restrictions.

You can even focus on yourself by simply doing things that make you feel happy throughout the day even if it is during the breaks that you have from work or anything else that you might be busy with. You can exercise, walk your dog, choose an outfit to wear for the next day, or even just watch your favorite TV show for a while. You’re important and you come first before everything else. Don’t ever forget that!

We’ve seen that the daily situation is always changing right before our eyes, but if we don’t transform by just focusing on ourselves, soon everything else might seem a bit harder for us to handle. It’s tough trying to constantly shift from a work from home situation back to an office environment and back again to working from home, and that’s why it’s truly the time to focus on ourselves. It’s alright if certain work events don’t happen on time or even if social events get cancelled last minute for no reason at all. It’s all a simple reminder to focus on ourselves now and to transform into better human beings than what we were before. Imagine the possibilities! 

Shefali Karani

Shefali is the author of Own It! Love What You Already Have of which all book proceeds go toward good causes. She is an executive at her family’s business, and board director for two other companies. She’s an alumna of Columbia Business School in New York City and Drexel University. She lives in Dubai with her husband and continues to travel for work. To learn more, visit

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