Patience is a Virtue: Do We Really Need This?

Is patience really a virtue? Do we really need this in our lives right now? Yes, we certainly do in many ways. Here are a few ways that we can gather some patience.

Ever had to wait for a response for something you applied to? Whether it is for a job or for college, either way you probably had to wait for a response back. This builds patience. If you don’t have patience, you might just act out in a fit of anger or even worse, keep asking them about the status of your application. This doesn’t help! Please be calm and wait. Have patience and whatever the answer is, you’ll get it soon enough. Do know that if for whatever reason you do need to find out about the application status since it’s taking longer than it’s supposed to, then you can contact them. But do know that you should have enough patience to wait for the response, even if the response was received after the deadline.

When it comes to having a good wardrobe which in turn helps us make great fashion choices automatically, then we don’t really need to have patience to find that perfect outfit for that special occasion, whether it’s for an office event or a friend’s wedding. But to get to such a wonderful wardrobe filled with great outfit choices, we need to have patience first. This starts from the moment you start looking for certain clothes at a store and when you try them on. If you’re in a rush, you’ll be prone to choosing what looks good on the mannequin or what’s on sale but may not necessarily look good on you. Have patience and remind yourself that you came to the store to get an outfit for whatever reason. That reason gives you purpose, and when you know the purpose for anything in general, you achieve a sense of patience. Once we make better conscious decisions as consumers, our wardrobe is better catered to our tastes and soon enough, we’ll have a wardrobe filled with clothes that fit us well and that we like. Now that’s what I call the perfect wardrobe!

Whatever age you may be, remember that patience is a virtue! We do need to have patience in our lives as you never know what our lives may bring us.