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Picture Perfect: Capturing a Beautiful Photo Each Time

As women, we are constantly comparing ourselves to others, especially with what the media publishes, including influencers. There are days we might question ourselves as to why we can’t look like that famous model in a magazine or even that actress in the news or just scroll through an endless feed of glamour and style on social media. What you see is not always true. Here’s how to take a beautiful photo every single time without the overthinking.

Firstly, what is the purpose of taking this photo? Are you taking a photo for your own personal needs? Or are you an influencer that wants to post something online? Or is this for work or university? Think about this and no, you cannot take a photo just to get “likes” or “follows” or worse, to show that you’re better off than someone else. It has to be a good reason.

Next is what is the subject of the photo? Is it a photo of yourself, someone else, a landscape, or a pet? It could even be an object. Have that in mind when taking the photo and take that photo in the setting needed. Don’t forget about the lighting & makeup (if needed). Lighting makes all the difference. You might have set up a brilliant photoshoot but if the lighting is bad, no amount of editing can really make that better. And then you can think about what angles to take that photo from. But do ask for professional help if you need to do a proper photoshoot.

For my book cover photoshoot, I had to get a professional photographer and a studio to do that and a makeup artist. There were a ton of lights and they took a lot of photos just to get that one perfect photo, and they had to edit it a bit. I saw a world of a difference in the “before” and “after” photos. I know I might look a certain way on the book cover, but in reality, I know how I really look like. I also had the final say in the way this photo turned out (like I would definitely not approve a photo that makes me look fairer than I actually am. I love the color of my skin and all women should love the way their skin looks, no matter what!)  So, do remember that if you’re looking at someone else’s photos, know that a lot of work goes into making them look a certain way.

Capturing a beautiful photo each time takes time and effort. Just because we see fabulous photos of other women in the news and in fashion, does not mean we have to set our expectations to theirs. Set your own standards and know the purpose of taking a photo, whatever it might be. The best photos capture the moment when you least expect it. They are candid and honest. Isn’t that how all photos should be?