

I have been thinking a lot about the concept of resetting and restoration. Reset and restore are similar words but different in action. When one resets, they are starting again or setting again. Resetting is very much so a pause and then starting again. Restoring is in a similar vein, it is a tad bit different. The process of restoration is to bring back anew. Restoring makes me think of returning or repairing something that is broken. Reset in a sense is setting back and restoring is to bring back.

My relationship with Christ has gone through both of those processes lately. I had to step back, pause, and think about the relationship I used to have with Christ. This year alone, I have evolved in my relationship with Christ and because of this, I had to reset it. I had to go back and think about how I was approaching God, the ways I have grown, and prior practices I could reset and bring into this new season I am going into with HIM.

As the months went by, my resetting process went well. I felt alive with Christ, excited, and engaged with him. Then, I moved to DC. In my move, my life flipped upside down. None of my usual routines stayed the same. I changed, I evolved, I improved upon the way I was conducting my life. Because there was so much moving and changing in my life, I was not communing with God the way I wanted to. I had to change and develop my relationship with Him. Earlier in the year, when I had my reset with God, I was blossoming in my relationship with HIM. Now, at that moment, I had to work on restoration and redemption. I had to restore what once was a transformative, DAILY relationship.

In my restoration process, God revealed so much to me. My Lord provided me with such clarity, such as growth and such improvement. I am so thankful to my Lord for restoring me. He filled me with His love, grace, and mercy and brought me evermore closer to Him. It's okay to step back and reset and restore your relationship with Christ.  We have to be open to change. God wants us to grow and evolve in Him, we are in an ever-growing relationship with Him, because of it, we will have moments of resetting and restoring.

Thomasena Thomas

Thomasena is the Owner, Operator, and Baker of FairyCakesSC, a company that she started when she was in high school. She also competed for the Miss South Carolina Pageant in 2017. She fell in love with baking from watching her mother bake, and being born into an entrepreneurial family attributed to her starting her business. A certified culinary chef, along with her baking skills, enabled Thomasena to become the recipient of the Disney Dreamers Academy, sponsored by Steve Harvey and Essence Magazine.

Godly Femininity


A Reset To Expose